Ascaris poisoning


Introduction to sputum poisoning It is also known as piperazine citrate poisoning. It is widely used as an anthelmintic drug in clinical practice. It has good sputum and sputum sputum effect. It is generally less toxic, but it can be poisoned if it is overtaken. . The original kidney disease and the therapeutic dose of pediatric patients sensitive to this product may also be severely affected. Misuse or overdose, the amount of poisoning and lethal dose of this disease is very different. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: the incidence rate is about 0.001% - 0.002% Susceptible people: more common in children, due to excessive use of insect repellent Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: insomnia, coma


Causes of poisoning

Misuse or overdose, the amount of poisoning and lethal dose of this disease is very different. It is generally believed that the occurrence of drug poisoning is mainly related to the following factors. With the development of the chemical pharmaceutical industry, if the management cannot keep up, the occurrence of drug poisoning will increase. Children should pay more attention to the drug, because children's drug metabolism is not fully developed, and the toxicity to drugs is highly sensitive.


Detoxification prevention

Strictly control the dosage of sputum, follow the use of sputum, and put it in a safe position to avoid accidental eating by children.

Strengthen poison publicity: popularize knowledge about prevention and first aid for poisoning.

Strengthen poison management: strictly abide by the protection and management system of poisons, strengthen the storage of poisons, and prevent the leakage of poisons.

Prevent inadvertent consumption of poison or overdose: Containers for drugs and chemicals should be labeled separately, and hospital medication should be strictly checked to avoid accidental or overdose.


Complications of phlegm poisoning Complications, insomnia, coma

Detoxification can cause memory loss, insomnia, poor sleep quality, and memory loss. Complications such as toxic psychosis, coma, convulsions, respiratory paralysis.


Symptoms of sputum poisoning common symptoms abdominal pain vertigo dance disease-like movement ataxia hematuria nausea arrhythmia coma fever hot paralysis

Immediately and clinically, two kinds of immediate reactions and delayed reactions can be seen: immediate reactions often occur within a few minutes after taking the drug, such as high fever, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, bronchospasm, pale complexion, cyanotic lips, cold limbs, weak pulse, arrhythmia, Blood pressure drops, etc., most of these reactions are caused by the sensitivity of this product. The delayed reaction is often the toxicity of the drug. It usually occurs 7-8 hours after taking the drug, and it appears as late as 2 days (or even 8 days). Dizziness, tremor, ataxia, chorea-like movement, arrhythmia, hearing loss, nystagmus, decreased eye function, dilated pupils, unclear vision, color vision, visual hallucinations, muscle clonic contractions, limbs Tonic, convulsions, toxic psychosis, amnesia, lethargy, coma, stagnation, etc.; severe cases can die from respiratory paralysis, in addition to purpura, leukemia-like reactions, toxic hepatitis, hematuria, proteinuria, urinary retention , polyneuritis, rash, and even exfoliative dermatitis.

This product is used together with phenothiazines (hibernation, phenergan, etc.) to increase the response of the extrapyramidal system and promote tremor and tonic spasm.


Examine the poisoning test

The white blood cell count is increased and may be a leukemia-like blood picture.

Liver function test. Liver function tests are laboratory tests used to determine liver function. It is mainly used to understand the degree of damage and damage of various functions of the liver, and to judge its prognosis and therapeutic effect through dynamic observation.

The most commonly used liver function tests in hospitals are serum bilirubin and GPT tests.


Diagnosis and identification of sputum poisoning


It can be diagnosed based on medical history, clinical symptoms and laboratory tests.

Differential diagnosis

It is differentiated from other drug poisonings that can cause symptoms of gastrointestinal and neurological diseases.

1, sleeping pills poisoning

A significant proportion of the elderly's sleep is dependent on sleeping pills. General sedatives, such as diazepam, are difficult to work and gradually upgrade to central hypnotics. And the more the amount is used, the hypnotic poisoning sometimes occurs.

2, phenobarbital, barbiturate, barbiturate poisoning

The patient was initially excited, arrogant, and horrified, and then turned into inhibition, lethargy, confusion, slurred speech, deep sleep, and deep coma. Late limbs are soft, reflexes disappear, incontinence, dilated pupils, shallow and light breathing, and respiratory failure.

3. Hydrated chloral poisoning

The patient has nausea and abdominal pain, severe liver and kidney dysfunction, oliguria, drowsiness and even coma, slow breathing, cyanotic lips, respiratory muscle paralysis, loss of reflexes, weak pulse, decreased blood pressure, arrhythmia and even cardiac arrest.

4, methaqualone poisoning

The patient has symptoms such as dizziness, gait instability, irritability, paralysis, and respiratory depression, pulmonary edema, and coma. A small number of patients have bleeding tendency or cerebral edema.

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