Taeniasis longum


Introduction to long-film shell tsutsugamushi Hymenolepiasis diminuta is a disease caused by the reduction of the membrane aphid (hymenolepisdiminuta, long-shelled aphids) parasitizing the human intestine. The adult of this disease mainly parasitizes in the intestines of rats. The eggs are excreted in the rat body with the feces. After being swallowed by intermediate hosts such as valley beetles, mites, mites, etc., the six hooks enter the blood chamber through the intestinal wall and develop through 7 to 10 days. For the cysticerci, the human is infected by accidentally swallowing insects containing cysticercus. basic knowledge Sickness ratio: 0.05% Susceptible people: no specific people Mode of infection: digestive tract spread Complications: anemia


Causes of long film shell tsutsugamushi

(1) Causes of the disease

The adult is 20-60cm long, 4mm wide at the widest point, 800-1000 body segments, round head section, 4 suction cups, no head hooks, 3 mature test pieces with round testicles, and ovary leaf-shaped splits are listed in the center. The egg is oval in shape and has a size of 60-80 m. The shell is thicker, and the endoderm is slightly raised at both ends, but there is no filamentous body, and the six hooks have a pair of puncture glands (Fig. 1).

Adult parasitic host small intestine, shed pregnancy and eggs are excreted with feces, eggs are swallowed by the intermediate host, hatching six hooks in their intestines, and then through the intestinal wall into the blood cavity, after 7 to 10 days It develops into a cysticercosis. After ingesting an insect with a cysticercosis, it develops into adult, beetle, scorpion, scorpion, lepidopteran, scorpion, scorpion, etc. in the intestinal lumen for 12 to 13 days. Can be used as an intermediate host.

(two) pathogenesis

The adult of this disease mainly parasitizes in the intestines of rats. The eggs are excreted in the rat body with the feces. After being swallowed by intermediate hosts such as valley beetles, mites, mites, etc., the six hooks enter the blood chamber through the intestinal wall and develop through 7 to 10 days. For the cysticerci, the human is infected by accidentally swallowing insects containing cysticercus.


Long film shell tsutsugamushi prevention

Pay attention to personal hygiene and environmental hygiene, kill rats, wash hands before and after eating, and disinfect food utensils.


Long-membrane tsutsugamushi complications Complications anemia

Complications are common in anemia.


Symptoms of long film tsutsugamushi common symptoms molars, cachexia, abdominal distension, abdominal pain, white spots, insomnia, dementia, nausea and dizziness

Infected people generally have no obvious symptoms, or only mild neurological and gastrointestinal symptoms, such as insomnia, headache, molars, nausea, bloating and abdominal pain, etc., severe cases may occur dizziness, mental dementia or cachexia.


Inspection of long film shell tsutsugamushi

Anal swabs were found to have a higher positive rate of beef aphid eggs. Blood routinely showed a slight increase in blood eosinophils in some cases. You should ask if you have eaten the history of beef pork and whether you have found a piece in the stool. Although the eggs can be found in the stool examination, the detection rate is not high, and the method of checking for several days can improve the detection rate. However, it is impossible to distinguish the species with aphids according to the morphology of the eggs. If the gestational age can be obtained, the species can be determined according to the number of uterus branches. The discovery of the segment in the stool is the main complaint and medical reason for most patients. Some patients have abdominal discomfort, abdominal pain, hypersexuality, hunger, indigestion, diarrhea, fatigue, headache, dizziness, weight loss and other symptoms.


Diagnosis and identification of long-film tsutsugamushi disease

The diagnosis can be confirmed by examining the eggs or the gestational section in the stool.

It is often necessary to identify with the locust mites, and the segments of the two can be identified by their different tissue structures in the microscope. After the seized head section or gestational section is sandwiched between the two slides, the condition and number of the suction cup and the apical hook or the uterus branch of the gestational section can be observed, and the mites can be confirmed. Identification.

The cattle tapeworm is also known as beef aphid, no hookworm, and aphid tapeworm. Its morphology and life history are similar to those of pork tapeworms, but the intermediate host is cattle. The larva does not parasitize the human body. It is also one of the main human parasitic mites in China.

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