amebic cervicitis


Introduction to amebic cervicitis Cervicitis caused by Amygdaloid infection is amoebic cervicitis, which is often secondary to intestinal amoeba infection, often coexisting with amebic vaginitis. It is caused by the lytic amoeba. Most of the amoeba in the reproductive tract are derived from the trophozoites in the intestine. Very few are transmitted through sexual contact. After infection with amoeba, not all of them are affected. According to the body's resistance, nourishment The number of bodies and the virulence of the strain determine the onset of disease. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.001% Susceptible people: good for adult women Mode of infection: intestinal amoeba infection Complications: amebic vaginitis


The cause of amebic cervicitis

(1) Causes of the disease

It is caused by the lytic amoeba. Most of the amoeba in the reproductive tract are derived from the trophozoites in the intestine. Very few are transmitted through sexual contact. After infection with amoeba, not all of them are affected. According to the body's resistance, nourishment The number of bodies and the virulence of the strain determine the onset of disease.

(two) pathogenesis

The amoeba that is pathogenic to the human body is the amoeba, which has two phases of life cycle, nourishing the body and encapsulating period. The trophozoite can cause damage to the body tissues, and the cysts cause the body and the body. Inter-infection, human and animal rarely cause infection, amoeba invades the genital mucosa, relies on the tissue secreted by the enzyme to dissolve the enzyme, dissolve the surrounding tissue to damage the mucosa, ulcer formation, and the virulence of the strain can also Invading the submucosal tissue, the ulcer caused by it is larger and deeper, and the scar is often left after the healing.


Amoebic cervicitis prevention

1. Develop good living habits

Pay attention to food hygiene, wash your hands before and after meals. Pay attention to drinking water and avoid drinking water and food contaminated by cysts.

2. Keep the vulva clean

The weak acidic environment of the vagina can maintain the self-cleaning function of the vagina. The female care solution of the Ph4 weak acid formula is more suitable for daily cleaning and maintenance.

3. Enhance body immunity

In the case of health, it generally does not occur, but if the general condition is poor, especially the vulvovaginal injury, when the local resistance is reduced, the amoebic trophozoite can take advantage of it, grow and multiply, causing amebic vaginitis.

4. Timely treatment

Timely treatment of intestinal amebiasis, avoiding sexual contact infections.


Amoebic cervicitis complications Complications amoebic vaginitis

More accompanied by amebic vaginitis.


Amoebic cervicitis symptoms Common symptoms Vaginal secretions increased vulvar burning irritations acute cervicitis purulent leucorrhea abscess

Mainly manifested as increased vaginal discharge, purulent, purulent or serous, sputum odor, accompanied by vaginitis often have vaginal pain, burning sensation, no genital itching, gynecological examination and vaginal speculum examination see cervical deformation Insect-like ulcers and necrotic tissue, the edge of the ulcer is convex like a crater, the surface is covered with dirty gray-yellow secretions, and the leucorrhea is yellow purulent or bloody mucus. The palpation is easy to hemorrhage and is easily misdiagnosed as cervical cancer.


Amoebic cervicitis examination

The secretion smear looks for the amoeba trophozoites, the tumor markers are examined, and the living tissue is taken at the edge of the ulcer for pathological sectioning. The amoebic trophozoites are seen, and the clinically highly suspected vaginal secretions are cultured, but the amoebic culture The requirements are higher, the technology is more complicated, and the general hospital is more difficult to do.

Peripheral blood is positive cells, positive pigment anemia, normal platelets, and normal or elevated white blood cells.

Positive pregnancy test.

Gynecological examination of the cervix becomes larger, the coloration is very obvious, the quality is soft, the cervix can be dilated, sometimes the dark red or purple-red tissue is visible, and the cervix is like a tissue incarceration, but when trying to separate the tissue and the cervix by finger test, A large amount of bleeding has occurred. The most characteristic change is the uterus in the gynecological three-combination, the uterus is small, slightly hard, the cervix is large, soft, and sometimes uterine artery pulsation, which is typical of cervical pregnancy.

Detection of blood -hCG The detection technique of blood -hCG and the development of B-ultrasound make early diagnosis of cervical pregnancy possible.

B-ultrasound examination of abdominal or vaginal B-ultrasound performance:

(1) cervical tube expansion.

(2) There is a complete gestational sac in the neck tube, and sometimes the germ or fetal heart is visible.

(3) The internal opening of the cervix is closed.

(4) uterine cavity. Color Doppler ultrasound is used to detect the infiltration of the trophoblast into the cervix and the location of the uterine artery. The uterine artery spans the ureter 2 cm from the cervix and reaches the uterine side. This anatomical location can help determine that the pregnancy site is below the end of the cervical histology to help diagnose cervical pregnancy.


Diagnosis and diagnosis of amebic cervicitis

According to clinical manifestations, the amoeba can be diagnosed in the vaginal secretions.

Should be differentiated from cervical cancer and tuberculous cervicitis.

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