Nickel Dermatitis


Introduction to nickel dermatitis Nickeldermatitis, also known as nickel eclipse (nickeleczema), refers to dermatitis and eczema-like changes caused by exposure to nickel and its compounds. Dermatitis occurs after exposure to nickel and its compounds for 1 to 2 months, erythematous papules in the contact area, accompanied by erosion, exudative rash, chronic mossy changes, intense itching, often occurs in contact with nickel-containing earrings, bracelets , hair clips, rings, watches, pins, metal frames, jeans buttons, even if wearing gold jewelry, metal hooks and solder may also contain nickel, causing dermatitis, contact with nickel-containing coins, door handles, faucets Can happen. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.0002% Susceptible people: no special people Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: urticaria


Cause of nickel dermatitis


Nickel and its compounds can cause nickel dermatitis, mainly through allergic mechanism, is a delayed type of allergic reaction, because sodium chloride in sweat can combine with nickel to form nickel chloride, and the water content of the stratum corneum increases when sweating, can promote It absorbs, so sweating in summer often makes dermatitis worse.


Nickel and its compounds can cause nickel dermatitis, mainly through allergic mechanism. Sodium chloride in sweat can combine with nickel to form nickel chloride. When sweating, the water content of the stratum corneum increases, which can promote its absorption. Make dermatitis worse.


Nickel dermatitis prevention

Since the disease is clearly exposed to nickel and its compounds, avoiding contact with such compounds is the most effective way to prevent this disease. Enhance personal protection, including wearing long rubber gloves and long boots. Use long aprons, wear protective glasses, masks, etc., to avoid contact with air contaminated by nickel and its compounds. If contact is inadvertently, it should be cleaned immediately to avoid damage to the skin.


Nickel dermatitis complications Complications urticaria

The disease is mainly caused by skin damage, and urticaria is the main manifestation. However, such urticaria has a clear history of exposure to nickel and its compounds. The main manifestations are: skin lesions often occur suddenly, and are limited to red hulls of varying sizes. Skin lesions mostly regress for half an hour to several hours. Consciously itchy, burning sensation. The position is uncertain, and it can be generalized or limited to a certain part. Can also be chronic skin allergies, such as morning or before going to sleep, the rash is aggravated, no regularity, systemic symptoms are generally mild, most patients can not find the cause.


Symptoms of nickel dermatitis common symptoms rash rash itching eczema

Nickel is a substance that people often come into contact with. Nickel has strong sensitization. Therefore, dermatitis and eczema caused by nickel are common. Especially for women, industries exposed to nickel and its compounds include mining, smelting, alloying, stainless steel, electroplating, and chemical industry. , gold nib manufacturing, petroleum refining, green coatings, gold jewelry and hardware manufacturing.

Dermatitis occurs after exposure to nickel and its compounds for 1 to 2 months, erythematous papules in the contact area, accompanied by erosion, exudative rash, chronic mossy changes, intense itching, often occurs in contact with nickel-containing earrings, bracelets , hair clips, rings, watches, pins, metal frames, jeans buttons, even if wearing gold jewelry, metal hooks and solder may also contain nickel, causing dermatitis, contact with nickel-containing coins, door handles, faucets Can happen.


Nickel dermatitis examination

Clinical skin examination: Dermatitis occurs mostly after exposure to nickel and its compounds for 1-2 months. Red spot papules in the contact area, accompanied by erosion, exudative rash, chronic changes in mossy, severe itching. Often occurs in contact with nickel-containing earrings, bracelets, hairpins, rings, watches, pins, metal frames, jeans buttons.

Pathological examination: A large amount of exudate is visible around the lesion, which contains a large number of lymphocytes and monocytes, so the disease may be related to allergic injury.


Diagnosis and identification of nickel dermatitis


Generally, it is not difficult to diagnose. According to the lesion, it occurs in the contact with nickel-containing metal. It is positive for nickel sensitive people to use 5% nickel sulfate or 10% nickel chloride ethanol solution for patch test.

Differential diagnosis

The clinical manifestations of this disease are mainly urticaria, so it is clinically necessary to distinguish from urticaria caused by conventional allergic factors. The onset is more urgent, and the skin lesions often occur suddenly. In order to limit the number of red hulls of different sizes, the skin lesions mostly disappear for half an hour to several hours, and the sensation is intense and itching and burning. The position is uncertain, and it can be generalized or limited to a certain part. Therefore, according to clinical manifestations and contact history can be distinguished.

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