Boils and boils


Introduction to sputum and rickets Furunculus and furunculosis is an acute suppurative deep folliculitis caused by staphylococcal invasion of hair follicles and inflammation around the hair follicle. Recurrence and multiple sputum are called furunculosis, which often prolongs refractory to adolescence and adults. More common in the period, more men than women. basic knowledge Sickness ratio: 5% Susceptible people: more common in adolescence and adulthood, more men than women. Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: cavernous sinus thrombosis phlebitis sepsis


Causes of sputum and rickets

What causes sputum and rickets?

(1) Causes of the disease

The pathogen of cockroaches is mainly coagulase-positive Staphylococcus aureus, followed by Staphylococcus aureus. Staphylococcus is often found in the nasal cavity or perineum of the patient, which is often the pathogen of recurrence.

(two) pathogenesis

The disease is closely related to the body's resistance reduction. Skin abrasion, erosion and so on can make bacteria easy to invade and breed. Sebum overflow can induce the disease. In addition, anemia, chronic nephritis, malnutrition, diabetes, long-term use of corticosteroids and immunity Functional defects or reductions are associated with convulsions and rickets.


and rickets prevention

Increase the body's resistance, pay attention to the skin clean, change clothes and disinfection, avoid scratching, pruritic skin disease should be actively treated, eat less sweets, ban drinking, do not squeeze the pus, especially in the upper lip, right Chronic recurrent edema patients should be patiently looking for the cause, such as the discovery of chronic lesions in the body, anemia, diabetes and other active treatment.


Caries and rickets complications Complications cavernous sinus thrombophlebitis sepsis

Facial hair in the nose, lips and other parts, easy to cause cavernous sinus thrombophlebitis, sepsis and so on.


Symptoms of sputum and rickets common symptoms nodular papules tension aversion cold lymph node enlargement external auditory canal pain septic

The skin lesions begin with a bright red cone-shaped hair follicle papule, which gradually enlarges, forming a surface of the nodule that is tense, infiltrating significantly, and hard to touch. The posterior suppuration, the center has a pus, the pus is prolapsed, and the pus and blood are discharged. Healed after 1 to 2 weeks, leaving a lasting scar, which is common in the face, feet and buttocks. It is also common in the upper lip, external auditory canal and nasal vestibule, armpit and head.

Before the suppuration of the suppuration, the conscious pain is more severe, especially in the external auditory canal. The pain is relieved after the suppuration and rupture. The symptoms are more serious in the nose and lips. It may be accompanied by fever, headache, general malaise and other symptoms. Because the face is rich in lymphatic vessels and vascular network and communicate with intracranial blood vessels, it is easy to cause cavernous sinus thrombophlebitis, sepsis, etc., should pay special attention, do not squeeze.

Lymph nodes may be complicated by lymphadenopathy and even suppuration.


and rickets

What tests should I do for sputum and rickets?

Histopathology: manifested as inflammation around the deep hair follicle, abscess around the hair follicle, containing neutrophils, lymphocytes and bacteria, late plasma cells, foreign body giant cells, hair follicles and sebaceous glands can be destroyed, when necrotic tissue and pus are gradually discharged After that, the defect of the dermis is gradually filled by the new granulation tissue to form scar tissue.


Diagnosis of sputum and rickets

Dialectical of Chinese Medicine

Chronic multiple rickets can be repeated many times, and this has not been cured for many years.

TCM pathogenesis and syndrome differentiation:

1. The pathogenesis of traditional Chinese medicine believes that the disease is characterized by dampness and heat, and the external sensibility of toxic heat, heat and poison should not be leaked, and the disease is blocked by the skin.

2. Dialectical analysis The disease is obvious from redness and swelling at the beginning of the disease. The severe ones may have aversion to cold, fever, dry mouth, yellow urine, red tongue, white or thin yellow tongue coating, pulse micro-number, syndrome differentiation is damp-heat intrinsic, re-sensation The evil of poisonous heat.

Differential diagnosis

1. Impetigo is often found in the exposed parts. The damage is mainly pustules. After the break, the scars are scarred. The scars are not left after the school age. Most of the children before and after school age are contagious and easy to be popular in summer and autumn.

2. Folliculitis is a shallow needle-sized folliculitis pustule, consciously itching or burning, inflammation is not deep, no central pus.

3. Suppurative sweat gland inflammation is more common in the summer season, occurs in the scalp of children, is caused by sweat gland discharge pus, often accompanied by red sputum, purulent sputum, like sputum but no pus.

4. The affected area is infiltrated obviously, and there are multiple pustules on the surface, which are shaped like a honeycomb, with severe pain and severe systemic symptoms.

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