Pharyngeal bursitis


Introduction to pharyngitis Pharyngeal sac, also known as pharyngeal sac sac, nasopharynx or nasopharynx cyst. Because Thornwaldt first reported the disease in 1885, it is also known as Thornwaldtsdisease. A pharyngeal sac infection or suppuration forms a pharyngitis. The pharyngeal abscess can rupture spontaneously to form a purulent fistula. The main symptom is the purulent secretion in the lower part of the nasal cavity. The patient has a odor when breathing consciously. When he coughs hard, he can cough up purulent or purulent, often with headache. If the pharyngeal sac is smaller, the pharyngeal sac mucosa may be destroyed by 10%-20% silver nitrate or 50% trichloroacetic acid after puncture to prevent recurrence of infection. If the pharyngeal sac is large, the soft palate can be opened or cut open to reveal the pharyngeal sac. The anterior wall of the pharyngeal sac is removed by slender shearing, the posterior wall is scraped off, and the wall of the capsule is removed. If there is a proliferative hypertrophy, it can be removed. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.0025% Susceptible people: no special people Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: tinnitus, deafness


Cause of pharyngitis

Cause (75%):

The pharyngeal abscess can rupture spontaneously to form a purulent fistula. Often due to cold, excessive fatigue, excessive alcohol and tobacco, etc., the systemic and local resistance decreased, and the pathogenic microorganisms took advantage of the disease to cause the disease. Malnutrition, suffering from chronic heart, kidney and joint diseases, poor living and working environment, frequent exposure to high temperature, dust, harmful irritating gases, etc., resulting in pharyngeal sac infection or suppuration.


Pharyngeal sac prevention

Such as eating can not guarantee time and quality, or prolonged hunger, or overeating, leading to gastrointestinal disorders, affecting digestion and absorption, resulting in physical weakness, easy to catch a cold, aggravating pharyngitis, some people partial eclipse of various meats and fried foods Do not eat vegetables, some people are afraid of getting fat, only eat vegetables and a small amount of cereal pasta, long-term, can lead to imbalance of nutrients in the body, resulting in lack of vitamins, protein and other ingredients, physical decline, and others like to eat too much, too cold Or spicy food, or addicted to spirits, strong tea, so that the pharyngeal mucosa is often in a state of congestion, aggravating symptoms of pharyngeal discomfort.


Pharyngeal complication Complications, tinnitus and deafness

Inflammation or purulent occlusion of the eustachian tube pharynx, tinnitus, deafness, cervical lymphadenopathy.


Symptoms of pharyngeal sacitis Common symptoms Cervical lymph nodes, purulent discharge, tinnitus and deafness

The main symptom is the purulent secretion in the posterior part of the nasal cavity. The patient has a odor when breathing consciously. When he coughs hard, he can cough up purulent or purulent sputum. He often has headache, and the part is below the pillow. Similar to the headache caused by sphenoid sinusitis, inflammation or purulent occlusion of the eustachian tube pharynx, tinnitus, deafness, cervical lymphadenopathy, nasopharyngeal microscopy of the surface of the nasopharynx The mass is sometimes covered with purulent sputum. The purulent sac opening or fistula is removed from the purulent sputum. The probe is probed into the cyst cavity and secretion is spilled.


Examination of pharyngitis

Usually in the oropharynx or indirect laryngoscopy, nasal mucosal surface anesthesia is usually required before the examination. A 1% dicaine spray is commonly used for anesthesia. Nasal examination should also be performed by ephedrine spray in the nasal cavity to contract the nasal cavity. The total dose of dicaine used in adult mucosal anesthesia should not exceed 60 mg.

Fiberoptic laryngoscopes can be examined nasally or orally. Nasal examination can observe the nasal cavity and nasopharynx at the same time. The lens body is easy to fix. When the fiber laryngoscope end is inserted along the posterior pharyngeal wall, the pharyngeal reflex is light, without the interference of the tongue, and the operation is convenient.

It is easier to find during nasopharyngoscopy. If it is a foreign object that is not transparent to X-ray, X-ray film can be used to check the positioning.


Diagnosis and differentiation of pharyngeal sac

Nasopharyngitis: inflammation of the nasopharynx mucosa, submucosa and lymphoid tissue is nasopharyngitis, which is divided into acute nasopharyngitis and chronic nasopharyngitis. Nasopharyngitis patients with dry nose discomfort, sticky secretions are not easy to cough up, so frequent cough, often accompanied by nausea, severe cases of hoarseness, sore throat, headache, dizziness, fatigue, indigestion, low fever and other local or systemic symptoms. Nasopharyngeal examination showed chronic mucosal congestion, hyperplasia, hypertrophy, and secretion or dryness.

Pharyngeal paraesthesia: The mechanism of pharyngeal paraesthesia is more complicated, and there are many pathogenic factors. Some factors are easy to be discovered, such as biological factors such as bacteria and parasites, physical factors such as heat and cold, current and pressure, mechanical damage and chemical factors. In addition, mental factors can also cause the disease, such as mood swings and long-term over-stress, fatigue and other neurosis, sometimes organic diseases and mental factors coexist, constitute a complex cause.

Chronic pharyngitis: caused by repeated episodes of acute pharyngitis or incomplete treatment, as well as stimulation of adjacent organ lesions such as sinusitis, tonsillitis, nasopharyngitis, bronchitis. Excessive alcohol and tobacco, dust and harmful gas stimulation are common causes.

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