eczematoid carcinoma of the breast


Introduction to breast eczema-like cancer Eczemaid carcinoma is a special type of breast cancer. Its clinical features are chronic eczema-like changes in the nipple and areola area, so it is also called epithelioid eczema. The disease is mainly caused by unilateral breast involvement. When the lesion starts, the nipple is itchy and burning, and the epidermis becomes flushed afterwards. However, the symptoms are not obviously ignored, and the disease develops again, the skin is rough and thick, and there is desquamation and erosion. , exudate, rupture, repeated sputum after exposure of granulation, slow course, long-term unhealed. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.001% Susceptible people: no special people Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: basal cell carcinoma bladder cancer


Causes of breast eczema-like cancer

Cause of the disease (75%):

The cause of the disease has not yet been fully clarified, and the role of various risk factors in the pathogenesis of breast cancer is still being explored. The study of breast cancer and its related factors is aimed at finding the cause of the disease, suggesting high-risk factors, and monitoring the high-risk population, in order to achieve three mornings. (early detection, early diagnosis, early treatment) and intervention control open up new ways for prevention and treatment of breast cancer.

Pathogenesis (15%):

Pathological examination shows that there are scattered or agglomerated Paget cells in the epidermis, which can spread to hair follicles, sebaceous glands, large sweat glands and ducts. The cells are large, round or oval, cytoplasm is full and lightly stained, no intercellular bridge, nuclear The week is empty, the phenomenon of nuclear fission is visible, and the liquid staining is positive. Immunohistochemical staining shows that the carcinoembryonic antigen-positive (CEA) of Paget cells is similar to that of sweat gland cells, which is helpful for identification of Bowen's disease and malignant melanoma, and inflammation infiltration in the dermis. Extramammary eczema-like cancer can be associated with small sweat glands and apocrine gland tumors, or rectal cancer, or skin appendage tumors. The lesions are the same as breast eczema-like cancers, but Paget cells are concentrated in the base, especially the epidermal processes.


Breast eczema-like cancer prevention

1 In the diet should pay attention to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, fruits and vegetables contain all kinds of vitamins and trace elements needed by the human body, can maintain the normal nutritional metabolism of the human body. Dietary fiber contained in vegetables can promote gastrointestinal motility and dilute harmful substances. In particular, garlic, tomatoes, seaweed, soy products, and other coarse grains such as corn contain biologically active substances that are resistant to cancer. They are effective anticancer substances and can be targeted for consumption.

2 quit smoking and alcohol, smoking is harmful to health, everyone understands, but often turns a blind eye. Drinking alcohol is far more harmful to women than men. Women who drink for a long time, even if they drink a small amount of food a day, have a much higher incidence of breast cancer than women who do not drink alcohol. Because alcohol stimulates the pituitary gland to secrete prolactin, which induces breast cancer. Alcohol and tobacco are acidic substances. Long-term drinking will form an acidic environment in the body, destroying the pH of the weakly alkaline body, and only a weakly alkaline environment can resist cancer.

3 Avoid using drugs indiscriminately. In addition to the treatment of some diseases may contain hormones, the body may also consume too much hormone. Especially in the process of female friends, beauty, etc., will accumulate a lot of hormones. Some women will pursue perfect body, sculpture local body shape, eat some breast enhancement drugs, but do not know that those drugs contain a lot of hormones, while breast enhancement, but also increase the risk of breast cancer.

4 pay attention to control weight, to avoid the occurrence of obesity, high-calorie, high-fat diet will promote the body to produce a large number of estrogen, stimulate breast hyperplasia, induce cancer. In particular, the accumulation of fat leads to obesity, the body's immunity is reduced, and the ability to fight cancer is greatly reduced.

5 active exercise, physical exercise has always been an important means of preventing disease, long-term exercise can not only exercise the body's various functions, enhance resistance, but also maintain the body and maintain endocrine balance.


Breast eczema-like cancer complications Complications basal cell carcinoma bladder cancer

Generally, there are no symptoms, and a few have different degrees of itching and burning and ulceration. The course of the disease is slow and can be delayed for many years. The disease often coincides with other cancers at the same time or in succession. Common concurrent cancers are: cancer bone metastasis, skin basal cell carcinoma, bladder cancer, sweat duct cancer, vulvar invasive adenocarcinoma. Malignant tumors with cervical, colonic, bladder, and mammary glands account for about 30%. When the anal mucosa is involved, it usually indicates a potential rectal adenocarcinoma.


Breast eczema-like cancer symptoms Common symptoms Scarred lymph nodes, itching, rough skin, itchy

The disease is mainly caused by unilateral breast involvement. When the lesion starts, the nipple is itchy and burning, and the epidermis becomes flushed afterwards. However, the symptoms are not obviously ignored, and the disease develops again, the skin is rough and thick, and there is desquamation and erosion. , exudate, rupture, repeated sputum after exposure of granulation, slow course, long-term unhealed, the lesion spread from the nipple to the areola or nearby skin, the heavy can make the nipple contour disappear, the breast mass is mostly located near the areola, often in The late stage of the nipple lesion was discovered. Therefore, the diagnosis of the disease was often delayed because no mass was found. About half of the patients in the breast touched the mass and the lymph nodes were swollen.

Some patients occasionally have more parts of the apocrine glands outside the breast, such as the armpits, the labia majora or the scrotum, and the lesions of Paget's disease around the perineum and anus. The majority of the patients with apocrine adenocarcinoma and other adenocarcinomas have a poor prognosis.


Examination of breast eczema-like cancer

Nipple discharge examination and fine needle aspiration cytology of the breast mass are helpful for diagnosis.

Breast eczema-like cancer needs to be excluded from the possibility of concurrent ductal carcinoma of the breast. Breast mammography should be performed, dry-plate photography and infrared examination. If there is a Paget disease with an anal site, an anal examination should be performed at the same time. Cecal examination.


Diagnosis and diagnosis of breast eczema-like cancer

According to the incidence of unilateral breast or more parts of apocrine glands (such as sputum), similar eczema-like changes, basal infiltration and hardening, clear boundary, chronic disease, etc. should be vigilant, suspected of this disease, pathological tissue biopsy found Paget cells can be Confirmed diagnosis.

Clinically, chronic breast eczema, contact dermatitis, Bowen's disease, melanoma and other diseases should be identified. Breast eczema and contact dermatitis are more common in young people, bilateral onset, soft touch, hard edges, and few nipples. The contour disappears and there is no breast mass, which has a good effect on the treatment.

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