Sebaceous Epithelioma


Introduction to sebaceous glandular epithelioma The disease is an incompletely differentiated tumor, mainly composed of undifferentiated basal cells, and some regions are mature sebaceous gland cells. Basal cell tumors sometimes differentiate into sebaceous glands, which are known as basal cell carcinomas that differentiate into sebaceous glands, but some authors refer to them as sebaceous gland epithelioma. The degree of differentiation of sebaceous epithelioma is between sebaceous gland adenoma and cystic basal cell epithelial tumor. The former has typical sebaceous gland lobules, and the latter is basal cell carcinoma that differentiates only slightly into sebaceous gland cells. basic knowledge Sickness ratio: 0.05% Susceptible people: no special people Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: sepsis


The cause of sebaceous gland epithelioma


The cause of the disease is still unknown.


In the degree of differentiation, sebaceous glandular epithelioma is between the sebaceous gland adenoma (with typical sebaceous gland lobes) and basal cell tumor. Basal cell tumors rarely differentiate into sebaceous glands. Sebaceous gland epithelioma is different from sebaceous gland adenoma. It is a cell mass with unclear and irregular growth. It is solid or adenoid. It can be connected with the epidermis without capsule. It is similar to basal cell tumor, but part of its cells. It has been clearly differentiated into sebaceous glands, and most of them are undifferentiated cells. When these cell clumps are arranged in a fence shape, they are similar to sebaceous gland-derived germ cells (ie, basal cells), so they are not easily distinguished from basal cell tumors. In addition, a considerable number of transitional cells are visible, with early cytoplasm showing early fat vacuoles. In most cell clumps, mature sebaceous gland cells are clustered, and some clumps form cysts due to cell disintegration, which is filled with amorphous substances.


Sebaceous gland epithelioma prevention

There is no effective preventive measure for this disease. Early detection and early diagnosis are the key to the prevention and treatment of this disease. The cause is still unclear, to understand the risk factors of sebaceous gland epithelioma, and to develop appropriate prevention strategies to reduce the risk of cancer.

There are two basic clues to prevent the occurrence of this disease. Even if the tumor has begun to form in the body, they can help the body to improve the resistance. The current focus of cancer prevention and treatment work should focus on and improve the factors closely related to our lives. For example, smoking cessation, proper diet, regular exercise, and weight loss.

Anyone who follows these simple and reasonable lifestyles can reduce their chances of developing cancer.


Sebaceous gland epithelioma complications Complications sepsis

This disease can cause superficial ulceration caused by skin ulceration. Because skin integrity is destroyed, it can cause skin bacterial infection or fungal infection due to scratching, usually secondary to low body constitution, long-term use of immunosuppressants and nails. Patients with fungal infections, such as concurrent bacterial infections, may have symptoms such as fever, swelling of the skin, ulceration, and purulent secretion. Severe cases can lead to sepsis, which should be brought to the attention of clinicians.


Symptoms of sebaceous glandular epithelium common symptoms nodular papular squamous cell carcinoma

Sebaceous gland epithelioma is a clinical form of basal cell carcinoma. The lesion is a single yellow, orange papule, nodule or plaque that can be ulcerated. It is common in the head, face and neck. The sebaceous gland epithelial tumor is characterized by primary. In addition to damage, occasionally occurring in sebaceous glands, it can also be found in multiple sebaceous gland neoplasms associated with multiple visceral cancer, known as Muir-Torre syndrome.


Examination of sebaceous gland epithelioma

Histopathology: This disease is opposite to sebaceous gland adenoma. The tumor boundary is unclear and is irregular tumor cell mass, which is similar to basal cell carcinoma, but there are quite a few cells that differentiate into sebaceous gland cells. Usually most cells are undifferentiated. The cells are arranged in a grid around the cell mass, and the mature sebocytes are located in the center of most of the masses. The degree of differentiation of the disease is between the sebaceous gland adenoma and the cystic basal cell epithelioma. The former has a typical sebaceous gland lobule, and the latter It is a basal cell carcinoma that differentiates only slightly into sebaceous gland cells.


Diagnosis and diagnosis of sebaceous gland epithelioma


It occurs in the yellow nodules of the face and scalp and histologically appears to be basal cell tumor-like structures, but can be diagnosed if it is differentiated into sebaceous glands. Clinically similar basal cell tumors require pathological examination to identify, but sometimes pathologically difficult, often require deep observation for detailed observation.

Differential diagnosis

The difference between this disease and sebaceous gland adenoma is that the latter has obvious sebaceous gland lobules, which have clear boundaries and equal numbers of two kinds of cells. In addition, it needs to be distinguished from sebaceous gland cancer, mainly in the form of sebaceous gland cells in sebaceous gland cancer, which is infiltrated into the deep. Sexual growth.

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