simple mammary gland hyperplasia


Introduction to simple breast hyperplasia Simple breast epithelial hyperplasia (simpleepithelial hyperplasia of mammaryglands) is an early lesion of mammary gland dysplasia. Bloodgood first described it in 1922. Semb noticed that the disease manifested as breast pain and a mass in 1928, called simple adenoma, 1931 Beatle It is called simple epithelial epithelial hyperplasia of the breast; in 1948 Gescnickter called mastodynia. Has been in use ever since. basic knowledge Probability ratio: female incidence rate is about 0.1% - 0.5% Susceptible people: good for women Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: breast lumps


Causes of simple breast hyperplasia


The occurrence and development of the disease are closely related to the endocrine state of the ovary. A large amount of data indicates that when the ovarian endocrine disorders, excessive secretion of estrogen, and the relative decrease of progesterone, not only stimulate the parenchymal hyperplasia of the breast, but also cause irregular proliferation of the distal ductal epithelium. , causing catheter dilatation and cyst formation, but also due to the loss of progesterone inhibition of estrogen, resulting in excessive proliferation of interstitial connective tissue and collagen and lymphocyte infiltration.


1. Gross morphology: The lesion area of mammary gland hyperplasia is tough, without capsule, and the boundary with normal tissue is unclear. The cut surface has a gray-white small granular appearance.

2. Histological morphology: microscopically, the end of the milk duct and acinar epithelial hyperplasia and shedding, causing the milk duct to swell and pain; causing the ductal dilatation of the breast to form a small cyst; the fibrous tissue of the mammary gland is proliferating, and the leaflets are fused together; The interstitial lymphocytes infiltrate.


Simple breast hyperplasia prevention


1. Psychological treatment is very important. The harm of breast hyperplasia to the human body is psychological damage. Due to the lack of correct understanding of the disease, excessive psychological factors are excessively stressful, worrying and sad, causing neurasthenia, which will aggravate endocrine disorders and promote The aggravation of hyperplasia should relieve all kinds of bad psychological stimulation. People who suffer from psychological stress should pay more attention to it, be less angry, keep their emotions stable, and live a cheerful and cheerful mood that is beneficial to early recovery.

2, change the diet, prevent obesity and eat less fried foods, animal fats, sweets and excessive tonic foods, eat more vegetables and fruits, eat more coarse grains. Black soy beans are best, eat more walnuts, black sesame seeds, black fungus, mushrooms.

3, life should be regular, work and rest, to maintain a harmonious life. Can regulate endocrine disorders, keep the stool smooth and relieve breast pain, can play a role in the prevention of breast hyperplasia.

4, more exercise, prevent obesity and improve immunity.

5, the abuse of contraceptives and estrogen-containing beauty products, do not eat chickens and beef fed with estrogen.

6, the prevention of breast hyperplasia should also pay attention to avoid abortion, maternal feeding, can prevent problems before they occur.

7. Self-examination and regular review.

8, a clear diagnosis, according to the condition to develop a reasonable treatment plan. At present, the specialist has adopted comprehensive treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, and with breakthrough progress, the effect is more significant. For example, breast cysts disappeared in about 2 weeks after treatment, regardless of the length of time. Correction of endocrine, lumps, pain, facial nerves can be eliminated in time for breast hyperplasia, and pain can be relieved after administration of acute mastitis.

research shows:

1 Cancer cannot form in a weakly alkaline body.

2 Cancer can only form in acidic bodies.

3 If you have cancer, your body is acidic.

4 Cancer can only spread in an acidic body.

5 If your body becomes weakly alkaline, cancer cannot expand.

6 If you can balance your body's pH and turn your body into a weak alkaline, no matter what cancer you have, you have to change and be cured.

7 No matter how bad your situation is, even if you can only live for 6 months, if you can change your body's pH to weak alkaline, your cancer will not expand, it will be good.

8 Don't worry about your mother, dad or anyone in your family having cancer. As long as your body is weakly alkaline, you won't get it. If you already have it, it will change.

9 Cancer is living in acidic body fluids, nothing else. If your body is sour, you will get cancer. If it is weak, you won't get cancer. If you have cancer, as long as you can adjust your body's pH to a weak alkaline, cancer will leave you. The secret to preventing cancer is very simple. It is to eat alkaline foods to prevent the accumulation of acidic waste. Because the acidified body fluid environment is a fertile soil for normal cell cancer, adjusting the acid-base balance of body fluids is an effective way to prevent cancer.

A. Develop good habits and quit smoking and alcohol. Smoking, the World Health Organization predicts that if people no longer smoke, after five years, the world's cancer will be reduced by 1/3; secondly, no alcohol. Smoke and alcohol are extremely acidic and acidic substances. People who smoke and drink for a long time can easily lead to acidic body.

B. Don't eat too much salty and spicy food, do not eat food that is overheated, too cold, expired or deteriorated; those who are frail or have a certain genetic disease should eat some anti-cancer foods and high alkali content as appropriate. Alkaline foods maintain a good mental state.

C, have a good attitude to deal with stress, work and rest, do not fatigue. Visible pressure is an important cause of cancer. Chinese medicine believes that stress leads to excessive physical weakness, which leads to decreased immune function, endocrine disorders, metabolic disorders in the body, leading to the deposition of acidic substances in the body. Stress can also lead to mental stress causing qi stagnation and blood stasis. Invagination and so on.

D. Strengthen physical exercise, enhance physical fitness, and exercise more in the sun. Excessive sweating can excrete acidic substances in the body with sweat, avoiding the formation of acidic constitution.


Simple breast hyperplasia complications Complications breast lumps

Because the disease occurs in the endocrine imbalance, estrogen secretion is too much, and progesterone is relatively insufficient, so the following symptoms can be complicated:

I. Infertility: Endocrine disorders make the cerebral cortex less effective in regulating endocrine, insensitive to female hormones, and reflexively affect endocrine regulation, reducing the chances of successful pregnancy.

Second, abortion: because progesterone can produce placenta after implantation of fertilized eggs, and reduce the excitability of the pregnant uterus, inhibit its activities, so that the fetus grows safely. The relative lack of progesterone can increase the chance of miscarriage.


Symptoms of simple mammary gland hyperplasia Common symptoms Lacriphrenia breast lumps nodules nipples broken dull pain nipple discharge breast swelling breasts with menstrual pain

Mainly manifested as breast pain, breast lumps, and has obvious periodicity and self-limiting characteristics.

1. Breast pain: intermittent pain in the breast begins 3 to 4 days before menstruation, and is sharply reduced after the menstrual period. The pain may be diffuse dull pain or limited tingling, generally involving only one side. The breast can also affect both sides at the same time, and the one side is heavy. The pain is mostly limited to a certain part of the breast. About 50% is located in the upper part, 20% is in the upper part, and there is tenderness in the pain. The pain is sometimes intense and radiated to The scapula, the ankle, with the mood fluctuations, or tired, rainy weather, etc., the majority of patients with short menstrual periods, and the amount is scarce, emotionally stable or comfortable, the symptoms can be alleviated, with the anger and growth, when the pain occurs External stimuli are very sensitive, such as clothing rubbing, walking slightly faster or slightly higher limb activity, can aggravate breast pain.

2. Intra-milk mass: often bilateral breasts occur symmetrically, can be dispersed in the whole breast, can also be limited to a part of the breast, especially in the upper quadrant of the double breast, palpation is nodular, different size, texture Not hard and the surrounding tissue is unclear, can be promoted, the size of the mass changes with menstruation, becomes larger before the menstruation, becomes harder, narrows and softens after menstruation, and some patients are accompanied by nipple discharge.

3. Self-limiting and repetitive nature of the disease: The disease can be cured without treatment, especially after pregnancy and breastfeeding, the symptoms disappear on their own, but there are repeated; self-healing after menopause.


Simple mammary gland hyperplasia

Needle aspiration cytology examination, the fine needle is inserted into the mass, a little tissue is taken for smear examination, the cells are sparse, and in addition to a few lymphocytes, well-differentiated glandular epithelial cells and fibroblasts can be seen.

1. Molybdenum target X photography: visible diffuse scattered diameter > 1cm, the number of indefinite, unclear lumps of shadow, if the density is evenly increased, lose the normal structure, no sharp edges indicate extensive lesions.

2. Infrared transillumination: The bilateral mammary glands appear worm-like or foggy gray shadows, and the superficial veins are blurred.


Diagnosis and diagnosis of simple breast hyperplasia

Diagnostic criteria

1. Periodic pain and swelling of one or both breasts associated with menstruation in women of childbearing age.

2. The examination can touch a small granular mass, and the texture is not hard.

3. The disease development process has the characteristics of self-limiting and repeatability.

Differential diagnosis

1. Breast cancer: Some breast cancers may have similar hyperplasia, but the masses of breast cancer are mostly unilateral, the mass is fixed, and there is a growth trend, which can be increased in the menstrual cycle, without shrinking trend. Acupuncture can confirm the diagnosis.

2. Fatty necrosis of the breast: The disease occurs after trauma, and the woman with more physique is more superficial. The mass is not superficial, and the mass does not go deep into the breast. The mass does not change with the menstrual cycle. Needle aspiration cytology and tissue biopsy can confirm the diagnosis.

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