Influenza A (H1N1)


Introduction to Influenza A H1N1 Influenza A (H1N1) is a zoonotic respiratory disease caused by the influenza A (H1N1) virus. The influenza A virus H1N1 subtype is a type of influenza A virus and one of the most commonly infected influenza viruses in humans. Some H1N1 species can be transmitted between humans, including the 1918 flu outbreak, and others can spread between birds and pigs, causing bird flu or swine flu. Swine flu is a porcine respiratory disease caused by the swine flu virus type A, which causes influenza outbreaks in pigs. Usually, humans are rarely infected with swine flu virus. In recent years, there have been cases of human swine influenza in the United States and other places, most of whom have had direct contact with sick pigs. The patient infected with this epidemic is a new strain of H1N1 subtype swine influenza virus, which contains human influenza virus, North American avian influenza virus and gene fragments of three types of swine influenza viruses in North America, Europe and Asia. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.035% Susceptible people: people who have had direct contact with sick pigs Mode of infection: respiratory communication exposure Complications: respiratory infections pneumonia respiratory failure


Cause of influenza A H1N1


Humans are rarely infected with the influenza A (H1N1) virus, but in recent years, some human cases of influenza A (H1N1) virus have been found, most of whom have had direct contact with sick pigs. In April 2009, Mexico and the United States successively infected human influenza A (H1N1) virus, which is a type A influenza virus and a H1N1 subtype swine influenza virus strain. The strain contains three influenza viruses: swine flu, avian flu and human flu. The gene fragment is a new type of swine flu virus that can infect people.


Influenza A H1N1 prevention

Daily life

Experts advise that the following 10 points should be taken to prevent H1N1 flu:

(1) Wash hands frequently and develop good personal hygiene habits.

(2) Have enough sleep, drink plenty of water, and keep your body healthy.

(3) The indoor ventilation should be kept, and there should be fewer places where there are many people and no ventilation.

(4) When cooking, the raw and cooked should be separated, and the pork is cooked to above 71 °C to completely kill the influenza A (H1N1) virus.

(5) Avoid contact with pigs or places with pigs.

(6) Cover your mouth and nose with a paper towel when coughing or sneezing. If you don't have a paper towel, you should cover your mouth and nose with your elbows.

(7) Drugs commonly used to treat colds, if there are flu-like symptoms (fever, cough, runny nose, etc.), you should take symptomatic treatment as soon as possible, and seek medical advice as soon as possible, do not go to work or school, and try to reduce the chance of contact with others.

(8) Avoid contact with patients with flu-like symptoms.

(9) Since the current virus is A/H1N1 influenza virus, the human vaccine for influenza A (H1N1) has been started. The injection of ordinary influenza vaccine cannot effectively prevent influenza A (H1N1).

(10) Ordinary households can also use alcohol to disinfect daily necessities.

Entry and exit personnel

1. The following persons should not travel abroad:

(1) Any discomfort, especially fever;

(2) In the past ten days, there have been close contact with suspected or confirmed cases of influenza A (H1N1), that is, patients who have taken care of the patient, lived with the patient, or have contacted the patient's respiratory secretions and body fluids.

2, the exit personnel need to do

(1) Before you travel, you need to prepare the following items:

General emergency supplies such as: paper towels, masks, etc., in case of emergency.

Contains 65~95% alcohol disinfectant to clean and disinfect hands without hand washing equipment.

Contact the local Chinese consulate.

(2) During the journey

A. Quarantine

Cooperate with quarantine and health personnel to complete necessary immigration procedures and quarantine measures. Don't litter and spit.

Garbage should be placed in the waste bin. If you need to spit, wrap it in a tissue and discard it in a waste bin.

B. Wash hands frequently

Always keep your hands clean, wash your hands with hand sanitizer after going to the toilet, before eating, before handling food, and after touching public objects. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. If you need to touch it, wash your hands first. If you do not have hand washing equipment, wash your hands with an alcohol-based disinfectant.

C. Spare paper towel / handkerchief

With a paper towel / handkerchief. Use a paper towel/handkerchief to cover your mouth and nose when sneezing and coughing.

D. Alternate personal items

Do not share towels and personal items to avoid spreading the disease.

E. Spare mask

You can wear a mask so that you can wear it if you have a respiratory illness.

F. Public chopsticks and public spoons

Public chopsticks and public spoons should be used for meals, and lunch boxes and drinks should not be shared with others.

G. Healthy living

Continue to practice healthy lifestyles during your stay, keep your body clean and don't smoke.

H. If you feel unwell

If you feel unwell, especially if you have fever, you should inform the hotel and the team leader/guide or related personnel; the patient and his caregiver should wear a mask immediately; arrange a doctor as soon as possible; stay in the hotel room/room and temporarily terminate the trip until heals . Passengers who are suspected or confirmed to have contracted H1N1 flu by local doctors should stay in the local hospital for further examination or treatment. If they are not necessary, they should reduce contact with the patients and follow the instructions of local doctors to strictly abide by personal hygiene measures. . Peer personnel should cooperate with the instructions of the local health and quarantine department to arrange the remaining itinerary and the required quarantine measures.

(3) After the journey

Within 2 weeks of returning to the country, if there is flu-like symptoms (fever, cough, runny, etc.), you should contact the local health and disease control department in time.

3. Entry personnel need to do:

(1) If you have flu-like symptoms (fever, cough, runny, etc.) when you return to the country from an infected area, you should take the initiative to explain to the entry-exit inspection and quarantine institution.

(2) Within 2 weeks from the return of the affected area, if there is flu-like symptoms (fever, cough, runny, etc.), you should contact the local health and disease control department in time.

Public event

What measures can the public take?

(1) Avoid contact with respiratory symptoms such as flu-like symptoms (fever, cough, runny nose, etc.) or pneumonia.

(2) Pay attention to personal hygiene, often wash your hands with hand soap (soap) and water, especially after coughing or sneezing.

(3) Avoid contact with pigs or places with pigs.

(4) Avoid going to crowded places.

(5) Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, then throw the paper towel into the trash can.

(6) If you are ill, please stay at home and reduce contact with others to avoid infecting others.

(7) Try to avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth, because germs can spread through these channels.

When participating in public activities, to prevent influenza A (H1N1) and other infectious diseases, it is recommended that the public pay attention to:

1. Before participating in the event:

If you feel unwell, especially if you have fever and/or have symptoms of respiratory infection such as coughing or sneezing, you should not go to the activity. You should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Keep hands clean and wash hands after touching public objects or facilities. You should bring a handkerchief or paper towel with you.

2. During the event:

Maintain good personal hygiene. Cover your nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing, and then immediately wash your hands with hand sanitizer to prevent droplets from spreading bacteria. Wash your hands before touching your eyes, mouth or nose, before eating, and after going to the toilet. Wash your hands with hand sanitizer, then dry your hands with a paper towel or drying equipment. If you do not have hand washing facilities, disinfect your hands with a hand sanitizer containing 65~95% alcohol. Do not spit or litter, wrap it in a paper towel and discard it in a trash can. Garbage should also be disposed of in the trash can and should not be smoked.

3. After participating in the event:

Keep your hands clean. After going home, take a shower and wash your hair to remove dirt and bacteria from your body.

Ride traffic

1. Before there is no local case of influenza:

(1) Keep the compartment/cabin clean

Do not eat in the cabin/cabin. do not smoke. Don't spit. Don't litter. Please put the garbage into the garbage bin located at the station/month/lobby. If you need to vomit, you should use a vomit bag.

(2) Maintain good personal hygiene

Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands. Cover your nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing. If you have symptoms of a respiratory infection or have a fever, seek medical attention as soon as possible.

(3) wearing a mask

Persons wearing public transport should wear masks, especially those with respiratory symptoms or fever; those who need to take care of people with respiratory infections or fever.

2. After a local case of Influenza A H1N1 flu:

In addition to the above measures, you need to:

(1) Maintain air circulation in the cabin/cabin/cabin

If the window/ship window is a switch type, the window/ship window should be opened in an appropriate amount to ensure air circulation in the car/cabin.

(2) Request for assistance

If you suspect that you have H1N1 flu, please use an ambulance to go to the hospital; if you are at a station or dock, or have been in the car/cabin, you can ask the driver or transport agency staff to assist in summoning an ambulance or marine police. Hospital visit.

Note [1]: Close contact refers to the respiratory secretions or body fluids that have taken care of the patient, cohabited with the patient, or have been in direct contact with the patient.

Note [2]: Social contact refers to an ordinary meeting, that is, the patient has not been cared for, not living with the patient, and has not directly contacted the patient's secretions or body fluids.

Mask usage

Things to be aware of when wearing a surgical mask (before you wear the mask, you must wash your hands before and after taking off the mask):

1. Let the mask close to the face:

(1) The colored side of the mask is outward, with one side of the metal sheet facing up;

(2) fasten the rope of the mask, or wrap the rubber band of the mask around the ear so that the mask is close to the face;

(3) The mask should cover the nose and mouth completely;

(4) Press the metal piece on the mask along the sides of the bridge of the nose to make the mask close to the face.

2. After wearing the mask, avoid touching the mask to prevent the protection from being reduced. If you must touch the mask, wash your hands thoroughly before and after touching.

3. When removing the mask, try to avoid touching the outer part of the mask, as this part may have been infected with germs.

4. After taking off the mask, put it in a plastic bag or paper bag and put it in a covered trash can.

5. Surgical masks should be replaced at least every day. If the mask is damaged or soiled, it should be replaced immediately.

Indoor prevention

1. Circulate indoor air as much as possible;

2, indoor and outdoor temperature difference should not be too large, so as not to cause physical discomfort;

3. Households with children and the elderly should pay attention to the cleanliness of their living rooms and the maintenance of fixed living rooms as much as possible every day;

4, there are patients with influenza A or influenza in the family, should be actively isolated and fixed in the living room every day using disinfectant for disinfection twice or more, disinfectant can include chemical disinfectant and biological disinfectant, such as 84 disinfectant , alcohol, Tianfen disinfectant, etc.;

5. Households with pets should regularly improve the health status of pets, and promptly clean up the pets' loss of shavings and reduce the chance of respiratory infections;

6. Influenza patients and patients with influenza A should reduce contact with pets at home as much as possible, avoiding pet skin and secretions stimulating respiratory system and causing bronchitis, asthma, etc., aggravating the condition;

7. Regularly clean household items and accessories with large fiber content such as bedding and carpets, avoid germs in them, and enter the body through the way of ash, so that the body's immune function can be reduced, and the virus can be taken.

Preventive drug

Prevention of Influenza A H1N1 Influenza One: For children to prevent H1N1 flu drugs: Zanamiti, Xiaoerfeirekechuan oral liquid, Shuanghuanglian oral liquid, Xiaoergan oral liquid, Xiaochaihu granules, Banlangen granules, etc. It can effectively treat and prevent influenza virus infection.

Prevention of influenza A h1n1 flu 2: For adults to prevent influenza A h1n1 flu drugs are mainly antiviral drugs: amantadine, rimantadine, antiviral oral solution, Qingrejiedu oral solution, Qingrejiedu capsule, virus spirit, virus Oxazole.


Influenza A H1N1 complication Complications, respiratory infection, pneumonia, respiratory failure

Complications such as pneumonia can occur. In a small number of cases, the disease progresses rapidly, with respiratory failure, multiple organ dysfunction or failure.

It can induce the aggravation of the original underlying diseases and present corresponding clinical manifestations.

Severe cases can lead to death.


A H1N1 flu symptoms Common symptoms High fever cough fatigue chest pain redness anorexia flu-like symptoms

The incubation period is generally 1-7 days, mostly 1-3 days.

It usually manifests as flu-like symptoms, including fever, sore throat, runny nose, stuffy nose, cough, sputum, headache, body aches, and fatigue. Some cases have vomiting and/or diarrhea. In a few cases, there were only mild upper respiratory symptoms and no fever. Signs mainly include pharyngeal congestion and tonsil enlargement.


Influenza A H1N1 flu check

1. Peripheral blood: The total number of white blood cells is generally not high or decreased. In severe cases, the total number of white blood cells and lymphocytes decreased, and platelets decreased.

2. Serological diagnosis: It is a method for qualitative diagnosis and routine subtype identification of influenza A H1N1 influenza virus. There are red blood cell agglutination (HA) test, red blood cell agglutination inhibition (HI) test, neuraminidase inhibition (NI) test, agar immunodiffusion (AGP), indirect ELISA, antigen capture ELISA and the like.

3. Virus isolation: Avian influenza virus is isolated from the patient's respiratory specimens (throat swab, oral sputum, nasopharynx or tracheal aspirate, sputum or lung tissue). Common methods are chicken embryo inoculation and cell culture. Among the existing diagnostic methods, the virus isolation method is the most sensitive, but the slowest, requiring 2 to 3 weeks for separation and identification.

4. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR): Due to its simplicity, rapidity, sensitivity and specificity, PCR technology has been successfully used in the detection and molecular epidemiology of swine influenza virus genes. Wait.


Diagnosis of influenza A H1N1


Diagnosis is mainly combined with epidemiological history, clinical manifestations and pathogenic examination. Early detection and early diagnosis are the key to prevention and treatment.

(1) Suspected cases .

A suspected case can be diagnosed if one of the following conditions is met:

1. Within 7 days before the onset, there was close contact with the confirmed cases of Influenza A H1N1 influenza, and influenza-like clinical manifestations appeared.

Close contact refers to the diagnosis, treatment and care of patients with influenza A H1N1 influenza without taking effective protection; living with patients; exposure to respiratory secretions and body fluids of patients.

2. Influenza-like clinical manifestations occurred in areas where influenza A (H1N1) epidemics (continuous human transmission of the virus and community-based epidemics and outbreaks) occurred within 7 days prior to onset.

3. Influenza-like clinical manifestations, positive influenza A virus test, no further detection of virus subtypes.

For the above three cases, if the conditions permit, the H1N1 influenza pathogen test can be arranged.

(2) Clinically diagnosed cases.

Clinical diagnosis is only made in the following cases: In the case of the same outbreak of influenza A (H1N1), cases of flu-like symptoms that have not been diagnosed in the laboratory can be diagnosed as clinically diagnosed cases when other flu-like symptoms are excluded.

Influenza A (H1N1) outbreak refers to an influenza-like case in which an area or unit has abnormally increased for a short period of time. It is confirmed by laboratory tests to be an influenza A (H1N1) epidemic.

Etiological examinations can be arranged for clinically diagnosed cases wherever possible.

(3) Confirmed cases.

There is a flu-like clinical manifestation with one or several of the following laboratory tests:

1. A-type H1N1 influenza virus nucleic acid detection is positive (real-time RT-PCR and RT-PCR methods can be used);

2. Isolation of the influenza A H1N1 virus;

3. The specific antibody level of the double serum influenza A H1N1 influenza virus increased by 4 times or more.

Differential diagnosis

It is differentiated from respiratory infections and mycoplasmal pneumonia.

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