

Introduction to athlete's foot Athlete's foot (common name "Hong Kong feet") is caused by fungal infections, and its skin damage often occurs on one side (ie, one foot), and only after weeks or months. Blisters mainly appear on the toes and toes, most commonly between the three to four toes, and the soles of the feet can also appear as deep blister, which can gradually fuse into bullae. There is a characteristic of skin damage in athlete's foot, that is, the boundary is clear and can gradually expand outward. Due to the development of the disease or scratching, there may be erosion, exudation, or even bacterial infection, pustules and the like. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.53% Susceptible people: no specific population Mode of infection: contact spread Complications: hyperthyroidism, handcuffs, onychomycosis, bacillary rash


The cause of athlete's foot

Pathogenic bacteria infection (30%):

The pathogenic bacteria are many species of Trichophyton and Epidermidis, and the main strains are Trichophyton rubrum, Gypsum-like Trichophyton, Floccular epidermidis, Trichophyton rubrum. Because of its strong resistance and difficult to control, Trichophyton rubrum has become the main pathogen of the current ankle in China. Athlete's foot is a mild mycosis that invades the epidermis, hair and toenails, and is an infectious skin disease. The vast majority of patients are infected with athlete's foot and then infected with the hands and other parts. The main reasons for the high incidence of athlete's foot are as follows: First, there is no sebaceous gland in the skin of the ankle and foot, and there is no fatty acid that can inhibit mold. Second, the skin and sweat glands of the ankle and foot are richer, sweating more, resulting in a humid environment conducive to mold growth. Third, the stratum corneum of the athlete's foot is thicker, and the keratin protein in the stratum corneum is a nutrient for mold growth. In addition, due to wearing shoes and socks, the local environment is stuffy, and the sweat is difficult to pass through and moist, which is more conducive to the growth and reproduction of mold.

Personal habits of poor hygiene (10%):

Contact with the patient's footwear, gloves, shared slippers, towels and baths, etc., is very susceptible to infection. Dermatophytes are often transmitted through contaminated bathhouses, poolside floors, bath towels, communal slippers, and footbaths.

Pathology :

The athlete's foot is transmitted by contact. Because the epithelial cells of the palm and palate are replaced for a long time, the stratum corneum is thick, the sweat glands are many, and there are no sebaceous glands, and the feet are often worn with shoes and socks. The air is not airtight, and the evaporation of sweat is difficult, so that the local temperature is high, the humidity is high, and the stratum corneum is often The impregnation becomes soft, the pH of the epidermis changes, and the cockroaches create good conditions for fungal growth.


Athlete's prevention

Prevention method:

1. To keep the feet clean and dry, the sweaty feet should be treated, and the shoes and socks should be changed frequently. The people with tight toe seams can be sandwiched in the middle of the paper to absorb water and ventilate, and the shoes should be well ventilated.

2. Do not use other people's slippers, bath towels, wipes, etc., do not walk in the bathhouse, sewage next to the pool.

3. Public bathhouses, swimming pools should be treated frequently with sewage, disinfected with bleach or chloramine, to form a system to prevent mutual infection of athlete's foot.

4. Anti-shoe cabinet infection athlete's foot.

If someone in the family suffers from athlete's foot, the fungus-contaminated shoes in the dark and unventilated shoe cabinet can easily multiply the fungus, and the dander scattered in the shoe cabinet also carries a lot of fungi, originally clean shoes. If you put it in such a shoe cabinet, it may be contaminated with dandruff and contaminated by nearby "dirty shoes". If you wear such shoes, you may have athlete's foot or gray nails. .

Therefore, experts reminded that athletes with athlete's foot should not only actively use drugs to treat, but also pay more attention to cleaning shoes and socks, but also pay special attention to the fact that the shoe cabinet should be ventilated frequently and aired; if the shoe cabinet can not move, it should be disinfected regularly. Wipe the liquid or put in a desiccant to remove moisture.

While cleaning the shoe cabinet, don't forget to wipe the shoes with a dry rag, and put some deodorant bags made of spices, tea, and bamboo charcoal into the shoes to eliminate germs and odors.

In addition, when choosing a shoe cabinet, please pay attention to the in-line oblique type, because this design is not conducive to cleaning, and the outwardly inclined shoe cabinet is easy to take and easy to clean.

The shoes stored in the shoe cabinet are preferably separated from the different shoe areas by family members, such as men's, women's, children's, etc., and can be distinguished by common and less common to avoid mutual infection.


Athlete's foot complications Complications, hyperthyroidism, nail rash, rash

If it is not treated in time, it can sometimes be transmitted to other parts, such as causing handcuffs and hyperthyroidism. Sometimes it is caused by itch, and secondary bacterial infection can cause serious complications.

1. Incorporate skin sputum infection in the rest of the body.

Due to long-term suffering from ankle or autologous inoculation after hand rubbing, athletes with ankle can be combined with hyperthyroidism, handcuffs, and body lice. When combined with hyperthyroidism, the deck is turbid, opaque, cloud-like, stain-like, and the surface is tarnished. In the case of patients with onychomycosis, half of them are caused by long-term unhealed athlete's foot. On this issue, experts pointed out: "The patients with onychomycosis often suffer from athlete's foot or handcuffs. The fungus first invades the skin around the nails, then gradually invades the nails or nails, and further grows and multiplies until the entire nail is destroyed. The onychomycosis can not only infect each other's parts, but also easily infect family members. It is difficult to cure. In addition to causing gray nails, athlete's foot deterioration can also cause local erosion of the feet and erysipelas, which seriously affects personal health. Therefore, it is necessary to have athlete's foot. Pay attention to it and treat it promptly."

2. Athlete's foot combined with bacterial infection.

At this time, local secretions increase, and pale yellow purulent secretions may occur. The infected area is red, swollen, hot and painful. If there is no timely and appropriate anti-inflammatory treatment, lymphangitis, erysipelas and cellulitis may occur.

(1) Acute lymphangitis. Commonly known as the red line, Chinese medicine is the "red line rash", red is the acute inflammation caused by the invading lymphatics from the damaged skin.

(2) erysipelas. Erysipelas is a relatively serious acute inflammation. The erysipelas in the calf area is also called "flowing fire". It is caused by the invasive skin of the type B hemolytic streptococcus into the medium or small lymphatic vessels, causing acute inflammation of the lymphatic vessels and surrounding soft tissues in the skin and subcutaneous tissues.

(3) Cellulitis. Chinese medicine is called sputum, usually caused by secondary streptococcal infection. It may also refer to acute diffuse suppurative inflammation of loose connective tissue caused by staphylococci, Escherichia coli, and the like. This lesion can occur in areas with shallow skin, or in deeper parts of the fascia or between muscles.

3. sputum rash.

A sputum rash is a systemic or localized skin allergic reaction caused by dermatophytes and their metabolites that are caused by blood circulation outside the lesion. The occurrence of sputum rash is closely related to the degree of inflammation of local rickets. The more obvious the local inflammation, the more likely it is to develop a sputum rash.

(1) Herpes type. The onset is acute, and mung bean-sized thick-walled blisters occur on both sides of the fingers, palms or ankles, and the blisters are filled with slurry, which can be dispersed or clustered.

(2) erysipelas-like type. Lesions are erysipelas-like erythema, generally not hard, with sharp edges, relatively regular, no pain or slight pain, no lymphangitis. Generally no systemic symptoms.

(3) Pimple type. A sudden cluster of papules, maculopapular rash or hair follicle rash. It occurs mostly in the limbs or in the general body.

(4) Eczema type. Suddenly occurs in the extremities, especially in the lower extremities, large patches of erythema, papules, vesicles and other erythematous rashes, the distribution is symmetrical.


Athlete's foot symptoms Common symptoms Itching is easy to occur in the extremities... Foot peeling blister or bullae damage the foot and sweat itchy feet

More common in adults, both men and women can develop disease. It tends to increase in summer, reduce in winter, be light and heavy, and prolong long-term. Medically, athlete's foot is usually divided into three types: erosive, blister, and keratotic athlete's foot.

1. Erosion type: occurs in the third and fourth, between the fourth and fifth toes, wet between the beginning of the toe, immersion whitening or small blisters, after dry desquamation, peeling off the dander is moist, flushing Smashed noodles, itchy, easy to secondary infection.

2. Blister type: It occurs in the foot edge. It starts from a small blisters with thick wall thickness, and some can be fused into a bullae. The blister fluid is transparent, there is no redness around it, and it is consciously itchy. After scratching, it is often caused by secondary infection. And cause erysipelas, lymphangitis and so on.

3. keratinized type: good for the heel, mainly for thick and dry skin, keratinized desquamation, itching, prone to chapped, this type of no blister and suppuration, slow course, many years of unhealed, most patients by The erosive type and the blister type are transformed.


Exhaustion check

Fungal examination

Fungal examination is a method of direct microscopy to find hyphae and spores for initial diagnosis.

Fungal check notes:

When collecting specimens, pay attention to the quality of the specimens, which directly affects the results of the examination. Therefore, the collection of multiple sites can increase the positive rate. When making the film, the overflowing sealant should be sucked away to avoid corrosion of the lens. Keeping the infected area clean and dry helps to inhibit the proliferation of fungi and promote skin healing. The infected area should always be washed with soap and water, dried and then sprinkled with talcum powder. Avoid using powders containing corn flour because it promotes fungal growth.

Forbidden before examination: Pay attention to normal eating habits and pay attention to personal hygiene.

Requirements for inspection: actively cooperate with the doctor


Athlete's diagnosis

Mainly based on its clinical manifestations and mycological examination, general diagnosis is not difficult. The fungal examination can be repeated if necessary. However, atypical hand, foot and ankle are often confused with hand and foot eczema, palmoplantar pustulosis and sweat herpes, and should be identified.

Hand and foot eczema: is a common allergic, non-infectious, allergic epidermal inflammation, inflammatory skin disease caused by a variety of internal and external factors in the epidermis and superficial dermis, generally considered to have a certain relationship with allergies. Its clinical manifestations are characterized by symmetry, exudation, pruritic skin disease, pleomorphism and recurrence.

Palmoplantar impetigo: refers to a chronic recurrent disease confined to the palmar palpebral, with periodic aseptic small pustules on the basis of erythema, with keratinization and scaly as clinical features. Occurs in 50 to 60 years old, women are more common in men. Poor response to treatment.

Blisters: Also known as sweating eczema, it is a blistering disease in the palms and ankles. The disease occurs mostly in the late spring and early summer, and it can heal itself in the summer. More common in teenagers.

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