Male genital deformities


Introduction to male genital malformation Male genital malformations are congenital diseases, and abnormal gene expression is caused by various factors. Male genital malformations include many, some congenital malformations only affect fertility, such as simple vas deferens, and some may affect sexual function; some deformities do not look as serious as phimosis, but improper treatment can also cause serious as a result of. The main thing to do is to check the B-ultrasound. In male infertility clinics or urology clinics, doctors often see a small number of patients with a variety of congenital malformations that can cause male infertility. Although some of these congenital malformations are difficult to correct, there are some patients who can If found in time, surgery can be performed early in childhood. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.02% Susceptible people: seen in men Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: vas deferens occlusion epididymitis acute epididymitis chronic epididymitis epididymal malformation


Male genital malformation

The disease is a congenital disease, and the gene expression is caused by various factors. Congenital factors are the most important cause of genital malformation. The causes of male genital malformations usually have the following:

Defects in hormone synthesis (30%):

When the mesenchymal cell differentiation disorder or the genetic defect of the enzyme can lead to the incomplete differentiation of the male reproductive tube and the external genitalia of the XY fetus, the male pseudohermaphroditism appears.

Chromosomal abnormalities (30%):

Abnormal Y chromosome structure or gene mutation, or other chromosomal abnormalities lead to gonadal dysplasia. It includes many, some congenital malformations only affect fertility, such as the lack of simple vas deferens; and some may affect sexual function.

Incomplete hormonal effects (20%):

Its synthetic testosterone is normal, but the androgen plays an abnormal role.


Male genital malformation prevention

Advise parents not to neglect to observe the growth and development of boys. If problems are found, they should take their children to the hospital for examination. Generally, some congenital malformations only affect fertility, such as the lack of simple vas deferens. Some may also affect sexual function, some deformities do not look serious, such as phimosis, but improper treatment can also cause serious consequences. In general, the treatment of congenital malformations of reproductive organs should be fine and should not be thick. It should be sooner rather than later, and must not be taken lightly.


Male genital malformation complications Complications vas deferens occlusion epididymitis acute epididymitis chronic epididymitis epididymal malformation

This disease is more complicated with vas deferens and missing epididymis.


Male genital malformation symptoms common symptoms cyst testicular atrophy penis abnormal penis-like urethra

First, testicular malformation

(1) There is no testicular disease, rare, this disease is more complicated with vas deferens, and the epididymis is missing.

(2) Single testicles.

(3) Multiple testicles, which means that 3 or more testes appear and the size is abnormal.

(4) Testicles are less than normal due to hypoplasia, and many are not isolated symptoms.

(5) Testicular due to hyperplasia, such as testicular teratoma.

(6) Congenital atrophy, abnormal position.

(7) Testicular fusion, which refers to the fusion of testis on both sides in the abdominal cavity or scrotum, which is easily mistaken for cryptorchidism or single testis, and more with renal deformity.

(8) cryptorchidism.

(9) ectopic testis.

(10) Testicular, epididymis attachment abnormalities, can cause sperm to pass through obstacles, resulting in infertility, the two are not well connected, it is easy to occur testicular torsion, and even due to insufficiency of tissue caused by tissue necrosis.

Second, vas deferens malformation

Can be divided into congenital loss, and ureteral traffic and repeated vas deferens and other situations. If other abnormalities are not complicated, only the simple vas deferens is absent, the patient's sexual desire and sexual function are normal, the only symptom is infertility, the clinical manifestation is azoospermia, but the serum hormone level is normal.

Third, abnormal penis

(1) The penis is completely missing, and more complicated with urethral malformation.

(2) The latent penis, due to short development, is covered by fat in the perineum, scrotum, pubic bone, etc., and the penis is exposed as the fat is reduced during development.

(3) congenital penis twist, when the penis is twisted, the direction of the urethra changes, a few people may have symptoms such as angling pain, this disease is also easy to merge with abnormal erection.

(4) Double penis, which can be arranged in parallel or in tandem.

(5) The penis is too large or too small, rare.

(6) Phimosis, which can account for more than 25% of boys, can be divided into physiological phimosis, pseudo phimosis (excessive foreskin), true phimosis and incarcerated phimosis.

(7) upper urethral fissure and lower fissure, the latter is more common, the former is rare, can affect erectile function.

Fourth, the prostate, congenital malformation of the seminal vesicle

(1) Prostatic dysplasia and other sexual organ dysplasia are combined, prostate cysts can be complicated by dysuria.

(2) Absence of seminal vesicles, combined with infertility, can be judged by the extremely low level of refined berry sugar and the small amount of semen, and confirmed according to vas deferens seminal stenosis.


Male genital malformation

1.B super.

2. Chromosome examination and gonad examination such as hypospadias.

3. Laparoscopy.

4. Preventive tests. In the male infertility clinic or urology clinic, doctors can often see a small number of patients with a variety of congenital malformations that can cause male infertility. Although these congenital malformations are difficult to correct, some patients also have some patients. If it can be found in time, it can be treated early in childhood. However, due to the lack of knowledge in this area and the special nature of the reproductive system, people are often ashamed to mention or fear to go to the hospital for examination.

As a result, some patients missed the opportunity to treat and can only regret for the rest of their lives. At present, domestic premarital examinations are not universal, and if they are not carefully examined, they will also affect the stability of marriage and family. Therefore, advise parents not to neglect to observe the growth and development of boys. Once you find a problem, take your child to the hospital for examination.

In general, some congenital malformations only affect fertility, such as the lack of simple vas deferens; and some may affect sexual function. Some deformities do not look serious, such as phimosis, but improper handling can also have serious consequences. In general, the treatment of congenital malformations of the reproductive organs should be fine and should not be rough, and should not be taken sooner or later.


Diagnosis and identification of male genital malformation

The diagnosis of this disease is not difficult, but no testicular disease should be distinguished from bilateral cryptorchidism. No testicular disease is characterized by increased luteinizing hormone (LH) in the blood and no increase in plasma testosterone levels after chorionic gonadotropin. There is no testicular disease, and the embryo is in a state of infection due to infection, trauma, vascular embolism or testicular torsion. The phenotype is male. Adolescent male secondary sexual characteristics are not developed, the external genital remains still naive, no testis, if not treated with androgen, the elixir body shape. Moderate secondary sexual characteristics can occur if residual or ectopic stromal cells secrete androgen. Blood testosterone levels are low, gonadotropins are significantly elevated, and testosterone is not increased after HCG stimulation.

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