seminal vesiculitis


Introduction to seminal vesicle Seminal vesiculitis is a disease caused by E. coli or other adjacent organs such as the prostate or any condition that causes the prostate, when the seminal vesicle is congested, the bacteria invade the seminal vesicle, and induces inflammation, thereby causing bloody sperm as the main clinical manifestation. There are two major types of heterosexual and specific seminal vesicles, the former including acute seminal vesiculitis and chronic seminal vesiculitis, the latter including seminal vesicle tuberculosis and gonococcal seminal vesiculitis, among which non-specific chronic seminal vesiculitis is the most common. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.013% Susceptible people: male Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: prostatitis


Cause of seminal vesiculitis

Not careful (25%):

Because of excessive labor and kidney damage, kidney yin loss, yin deficiency and fire, disturbed the fine room, there is blood. Or the body is yin deficiency, the yin deficiency is the endangered by the fire, and the fire is strong, the blood of the spermatoo is damaged, and the blood follows the fine stream, which leads to blood.

Internal resistance of blood stasis (30%):

Due to traumatic injury and genital area, blood stasis stops; or because of emotional dysfunction, qi stagnation; or hot and cold evil wounds and blood. Blood stasis stagnation of the chamber, injury to the blood, so the blood is dark red, often accompanied by a clear perineal pain.

Injury to the diet (25%):

Because of over-eating spicy, fat and sweet taste, or excessive alcoholism, it will cause endogenous heat and dampness, and the hot room will inject the fine chamber, which will damage the blood, so the blood will be refined. Or because of the spicy and fragrant dryness of the yin, the yin deficiency and fire, disturbing the fine room.

Seven emotions (10%):

Because of the injury of the seven emotions, the fire caused the yin, the yin deficiency and the fire, and the fine room was disturbed, then the blood came out. Or think about hurting the spleen, spleen weak qi deficiency, kidneys after the loss of the day, then the spleen and kidney qi deficiency can not take blood, then the blood is formed.


Seminal vesiculitis prevention

The seminal vesicle is not an organ for storing semen, but an accessory gland of the male genitalia. It is a pair of oblong-shaped cystic organs located at the back of the bladder bottom. The outer side of the ampulla of the vas deferens is wide and narrow in shape, slightly flattened before and after. The surface is rugged, the upper end is free, the upper part is the seminal vesicle base, and the lower end is straight and straight, which is the drainage tube. Because of the structural characteristics of the seminal vesicle, after the inflammation occurs, the drainage is not smooth, and the bacteria are often left behind after the invasion of the bacteria, and it is difficult to completely cure. In order to prevent the prostatic sacitis from prolonged, whether it is acute or chronic seminal vesiculitis, it should be thoroughly treated, and it should be pointed out that seminal vesiculitis, especially chronic seminal vesiculitis with chronic prostatitis, prone to prolonged disease course, treatment should be perseverance, must not Losing the confidence to overcome the disease, letting the disease develop, delaying treatment, causing complications such as secondary infertility, resulting in hatred for life.

Therefore, once you find ejaculation pain or blood, you should think of the possibility of suffering from seminal vesiculitis, such as timely go to specialist treatment, the cure rate is high, such as delayed diagnosis and treatment, easy to cause chronic seminal vesiculitis, bring difficulties to the cure, should be prohibited during the illness 3 Months.


Seminal vesiculitis complications Complications prostatitis

Seminal vesiculitis, especially chronic seminal vesiculitis with chronic prostatitis, delays treatment, resulting in complications such as secondary infertility.


Symptoms of seminal vesicle symptoms Common symptoms Urinary frequency urinary pain Urinary urinary tract burning sensation seminal vesicles Increase abdominal discomfort Weakness Dizziness Sperm does not liquefy Semen

Acute seminal vesiculitis

(1) Those who have been infected with blood may have chills, fever, generalized pain and pain in the lower abdomen. Those who have retrograde infection through the urethra have frequent urination, urgency, dysuria, perineal and rectal pain.

(2) The rectal examination can reach the enlargement of the seminal vesicle, and the tenderness is obvious. The abscess formation may have a sense of fluctuation.

2. Chronic seminal vesicle

(1) blood essence: This is often the characteristic of chronic seminal vesiculitis, the appearance of semen is pink, dark red or brown, a few with old crumb-like blood clots, blood is often not easy to stop, more delay for several months, most patients No shots and pains.

(2) Sexual dysfunction: Many people are afraid of blood and avoid sexual intercourse. Those with longer time often have decreased libido, frequent spermatorrhea and premature ejaculation.

(3) urinary tract symptoms: Most patients have no obvious urinary tract irritation, more complaints of perineal and lower abdominal discomfort, some patients have urinary tract burning sensation, primary hematuria after ejaculation.

(4) Neurological symptoms: Because of fear of the influence of blood essence on the health of themselves and their spouses, they are worried about affecting fertility, so the burden of thought is heavier. Patients often feel dizzy, fatigued, and the disease is particularly obvious.

(5) digital rectal examination: the obese people often palpation of the seminal vesicles, some patients can have a slightly harder texture of the seminal vesicles, increase and tenderness, the boundaries of the seminal vesicles are unclear around the adhesion.


Seminal vesiculitis

1. Semen check :

(1) Bacterial culture is only used for semen cytology or bacterial culture. Even if there is a positive result, it is not certain that it is seminal vesiculitis. However, if the prostatic massage liquid is sterile and there is a large amount of bacteria in the semen or different from the bacteria in the prostatic fluid, Diagnosed as bacterial seminal vesiculitis, the quality of the culture in the spermatic tract obtained by retraction in the sinus tract angiography or in the middle section after perfusion through the seminal vesicle is greater.

(2) The normal value of refined berry sugar is 0.87~3.95g/L. Long-term chronic seminal vesiculitis can cause the content of fructose to decrease or even be negative.

2. Transrectal B-ultrasound

Patients with shorter course of disease can see the enlargement of the seminal vesicle, which is fusiform. The distal end can be elliptical, the wall of the capsule is rough and thick, and the capsule is dense and dense. The echo of the seminal vesicle is obvious.


Can not show the shape of the seminal vesicle, CT can show lumen expansion when the inflammation blocks the ejaculatory duct, part of the non-uniform low-density cystic dilatation, chronic inflammation leads to seminal fibrosis, showing that the seminal vesicle becomes smaller.

4. Seminal vesicle contrast

At present, the vas deferens is directly puncture through the scrotal skin, and the sinus radiography can be seen on the dynamic sinus radiography and the sinus radiography.

(1) Exudation: It is more common in the ampulla, and there is a cloud-like change around it, which is blurred in the tube, or the inflammatory exudation stays in the lumen to make the development unsatisfactory.

(2) stenosis: different performance due to different parts, the ampulla can cause dilatation of the vas deferens when the ampulla is narrow; the seminal vesicle tube can not develop the seminal vesicle tube near the bottom, and the delayed capsule can show the seminal vesicle tube near the bottom; The stenosis can be seen to expand on the side of the fine path and delay in emptying.

(3) Dilation: It may be a direct manifestation of inflammation or an expansion after obstruction. The former is often characterized by cystic dilatation, similar to cysts; the latter is more common with uniform expansion or with localized cystic dilatation.

(4) Atresia: When the seminal vesicle is closed, the seminal vesicle is not developed. When the ejaculatory duct is locked, the contrast agent cannot enter the posterior urethra and bladder except for the dilatation of the affected side. The contrast agent and seminal vesicle contents can be seen after stopping the injection. Backflow into the syringe, delaying the film, and sometimes the contrast agent remains visible in the spermatic tract for more than 16 days.

(5) Contracture: It is a late change of chronic seminal vesiculitis. The ampulla, seminal vesicle, and ejaculatory duct are atrophied, the lumen is narrow, and the wall is stiff.

The above changes may occur simultaneously or separately, and the seminal vesicles on both sides are mostly symmetrical, and a few are asymmetrical, especially after stenosis.

5. Urethoscopy

It can be seen that the fine sputum is inflammatory, sometimes the surface is granular, the granuloma is hyperplasia, and it can be seen that purulent secretions or bloody secretions are discharged from the ejaculation orifice.


Diagnosis and differentiation of seminal vesicle


According to the typical clinical manifestations, the possibility of seminal vesiculitis should be considered. It needs to be differentiated from prostatitis. Semen examination is of great significance for diagnosis. Combined with imaging examination, it can be diagnosed as bacterial seminal vesiculitis.

Differential diagnosis

The important symptom of seminal vesiculitis is blood sperm, which should be differentiated from other diseases that induce blood.

Prostatitis: mainly manifested as urination discomfort, urethral drip and lower abdomen, perineal pain, because the seminal vesicle and the prostate in the posterior urethra are connected, so seminal vesiculitis often occurs simultaneously with prostatitis, simple chronic prostatitis usually does not have blood However, in the prostatic fluid, lecithin bodies are reduced and leukocytosis is observed.

Seminal vesicle tuberculosis: mainly manifested as urination discomfort, lower abdomen, perineal pain and blood, but in the rectal examination, patients with seminal vesicle tuberculosis can lick the prostate, infiltrative induration in the seminal vesicle, more with epididymal tuberculosis nodules, prostatic vesicle fluid Tuberculosis can be found by smear or culture of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and PCR PCR is positive for PCR.

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