Pyrethroid pesticide poisoning


Introduction to pyrethroid pesticide poisoning Decamethrin, also known as K-othrin, is 2.5% deltamethrin wettable powder, and Decis is 2.5% deltamethrin emulsifiable concentrate. The dosage form used in agriculture is 2.5% emulsifiable concentrate. Deltamethrin is one of the most toxic species of pyrethroid insecticides. It has broad-spectrum and low-residue characteristics and is effective against insects that are resistant to organophosphates. It has certain advantages and is mainly used for prevention and treatment. Cotton fields, vegetable plots, fruit trees and tea pests. Generally absorbed by the skin or oral poisoning. Poisoning mainly manifests as skin irritation and nervous system symptoms. Skin absorption first has local irritation symptoms, facial burning sensation, oral poisoning is nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, etc. as the first symptom, occupational contact skin often has erythema, papule performance, light Poisoning headache, dizziness, fatigue, loss of appetite, muscle beating, severe poisoning, irritability, blurred vision, muscle fiber tremors, and even convulsions and coma. Most of the causes of death are convulsions and coma. basic knowledge The proportion of sickness: 0.01% Susceptible people: no special people Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: pulmonary edema, arrhythmia, coma


Pyrethroid pesticide poisoning cause


The mechanism of poisoning is not fully understood yet. It is believed that the excitatory effects of deltamethrin on the extrapyramidal, cerebellum, spinal cord and peripheral nerves of the central nervous system are due to the selective slowing of the "m" gate of the neuronal membrane sodium channel by deltamethrin. The closure of the sodium ion channel keeps the sodium ion channel open, so that the depolarization period of the action potential is prolonged, causing repeated discharges of the peripheral nerves, thereby enhancing the excitability of the spinal nerve and peripheral nerves, and a series of corresponding clinical manifestations appear.


Pyrethroid pesticide poisoning prevention

1. The enterprise shall strictly implement the Regulations on Labor Protection of Workplaces Using Toxic Substances.

2. Realize the mechanization and pipeline of production equipment, airtight and automatic; set up effective ventilation devices; timely repair equipment to prevent run, run, drip and leak.

3. Workers should use personal protective equipment correctly.

4. In the process of transportation and sales, it is necessary to abide by the provisions of the Anti-drug Regulations for Storage, Transportation, Sale and Use of Pesticide, special vehicles, special ship shipments, and can not be mixed with grain and food, and stored in special warehouses.

5. Carrying out knowledge and education on the safe and rational use of pesticides is the key to reducing the poisoning of pesticide users. Safe and rational use of pesticides is to achieve the best pest control effect with the least amount of pesticides, and to obtain people, animals and environment. For the purpose of security.


Pyrethroid pesticide poisoning complications Complications pulmonary edema arrhythmia coma

Can induce pulmonary edema, arrhythmia and even coma, severe poisoning can lead to death.


Pyrethroid pesticide poisoning symptoms Common symptoms Coma, nausea, abdominal pain, muscle fiber tremor, muscle abs, fatigue, convulsion

Poisoning mainly manifests as skin irritation and nervous system symptoms. Skin absorption first has local irritation symptoms, facial burning sensation, oral poisoning is nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, etc. as the first symptom, occupational contact skin often has erythema, papule performance, light Poisoning headache, dizziness, fatigue, loss of appetite, muscle beating, severe poisoning, irritability, blurred vision, muscle fiber tremors, and even convulsions and coma. Most of the causes of death are convulsions and coma.


Examination of pyrethroid pesticide poisoning

The blood cholinesterase activity is normal, and the determination of urine poisoning is helpful for diagnosis.


Diagnosis and identification of pyrethroid pesticide poisoning

Local irritation: flushing, swelling, pain, rash at the contact site.

Digestive tract manifestations: runny nose, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, blood in the stool.

Nervous system: headache, dizziness, fatigue, numbness, irritability, muscle twitching, convulsions, dilated pupils, coma.

Respiratory system: difficulty breathing, pulmonary edema, etc.

Cardiovascular system: increased heart rate, arrhythmia, elevated blood pressure, etc.

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