hair epithelioma


Introduction to hair epithelioma Hair epithelial tumors are also known as cystic adenoid epithelioma, multiple benign cystic epithelioma and multiple papular epithelial tumors, which originate from benign tumors of the hair. Multiple hair style cases are related to heredity, mostly autosomal dominant inheritance, but single-hair styles have no family history. Habitually, cystic adenoid epithelioma refers to multiple hair lesions, while hair epithelial tumors can refer to single and multiple lesions. It is generally believed that such tumors originate from pluripotent basal cells and have a tendency to differentiate into hair. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.003% Susceptible people: no specific population Mode of transmission: mother-to-child transmission Complications: bacterial infection


Hair epithelial tumor etiology

Multiple hair style cases are related to heredity, mostly autosomal dominant inheritance, but single-hair styles have no family history.


Hair epithelial tumor prevention

Without effective prevention, the key is early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment.


Hair epithelial complication Complications bacterial infection

There is no special complication of this disease, and crushing the skin by hand can cause ulceration.


Symptoms of hair epithelial tumors Common symptoms Dry hair and easy to break papule nodular tuberous sclerosis

The damage is divided into multiple or single shots.

1. Multiple hair epithelioma: a dominant hereditary benign tumor lesion, a multiple, firm, slightly transparent, papule or nodule. The individual lesions are 2 to 4 mm in diameter and are flesh-colored or reddish in color. Mild depression, often in groups but isolated, skin lesions occur in the face, especially near the upper lip, paranasal sulcus and eyelids, other parts such as the head, neck and trunk can occur, skin lesions occur in children or adolescents, female More common.

2. Single hair epithelial tumor: non-genetic tumor, more common hair epithelial tumor is rare, often occurs in the face, but can also occur in the head, neck, trunk, upper arm and thigh, the skin lesions are solid flesh Uplift nodules, often less than 2cm, more common in children or young people, sometimes visible huge isolated hair epithelial tumors, lesions up to several centimeters in diameter, often occur in the thigh or perianal, more common in the elderly.

The lesion of a single hair epithelial tumor is a solid meaty bulge nodule, often less than 2cm, often in the hair epithelial tumor, a smooth and slightly transparent solid papule or nodule, combined with pathological examination can be diagnosed.


Examination of hair epithelioma

The pathological structure of multi-hair and single-hair epithelial tumors is the same. The tumors located in the dermis are composed of many basal-like cell clusters. The surrounding basal-like cells are arranged in a fence shape, and the central arrangement is a mesh-like sieve structure. The fibrous interstitial space is obvious. The tumor contains multiple horn cysts. The center is filled with completely keratinized material. There may be calcium deposition around the cyst. The staining is dark blue. For example, the horn cyst is ruptured, and the foreign body giant cell reaction may occur in the interstitial.

Histopathology: The boundaries of multiple epithelial tumor lesions are distinct. The cystic cyst is the most histologically characteristic, consisting of a fully keratinized center and its surrounding basophils. The morphology of the latter and basal cell epithelioma Like the cells in the cell, the keratinization is sudden, completely unlike the gradual and incomplete keratinization of squamous cell carcinoma keratinized beads, one or several layers of cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm and large, oval round vesicular nucleus, Common between basophils and keratinous cysts, the second major component of this tumor is the tumor island, composed of basophils like basal cell tumors, often arranged in a lace-like or adenoid network. Structure, even or aggregated into solid masses, the cells around these tumor islands are arranged in a grid and surrounded by interstitial cells containing moderate amounts of fibroblasts. Single hair epithelial tumors are only used to display hair structure. Highly differentiated lesions, a single lesion that is relatively low in differentiation into the hair structure, preferably classified as keratinized basal cell carcinoma, is therefore adequately diagnosed as a lesion of a single hair epithelioma, which should have many keratinous cysts. There are also setbacks Dermal papilla, and see basal cell carcinoma occurs only in a few areas.


Diagnosis and diagnosis of hair epithelioma


The multiple hair styles of this disease have certain characteristics in the clinic. They are multiple, symmetrical, normal skin color small nodules or papules, which occur in the face and begin to appear in children or young people. There is a family-like tendency, and the rash persists without change, but A new rash can occur slowly, and the single-hair person has no clinical features and needs to be confirmed by pathological examination.

Differential diagnosis

The disease should be clinically differentiated from Pringle disease (ie, tuberous sclerosis), sweat duct tumor, basal cell nevus syndrome, etc. Clinical identification is sometimes difficult, but tuberous sclerosis often has other complications, for differential diagnosis. Helpful, sweat duct tumors mainly occur around the eyes, and can occur in the neck, chest, back, usually less damage, the size is relatively consistent, basal cell nevus syndrome also occurs in the face, but the disease is not good The hair part can be ruptured early, and often accompanied by bone and central nervous system abnormalities. For pathological examination, the identification is more reliable, pathologically should be related to keratinizing basal cell carcinoma, nodular basal cell carcinoma, Identification of hair adenomas and hair follicle tumors.

Multiple hair styles occur at an early age. The rash is distributed along both sides of the nasolabial fold. It is a hemispherical transparent small nodule. It has certain clinical characteristics. The disease should be differentiated from flat warts, sebaceous adenomas, sweat duct tumors, and neurofibromas. The histopathology of hair epithelial tumor is similar to that of basal cell carcinoma, and it can hardly be distinguished. It must be closely combined with clinical diagnosis.

Single-type hair epithelial tumors are often mistaken for non-pigmented intradermal fistula. Because there is no special clinical manifestation, pathological examination should be performed, but in pathological examination, differential diagnosis will also encounter difficulties, especially keratinized base. In cell tumors, individual fields of vision are almost indistinguishable and require comprehensive observation before they can be diagnosed. About 30% of the specimens in Gray et al. were initially misdiagnosed as basal cell tumors.

Single-mode hair epithelial tumors are clinically distinguished from pigmented nevus, epidermal cysts, fibroids, and other accessory tumors.

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