Xanthium poisoning


Introduction to Xanthium Poisoning Xanthium poisoning is mainly caused by accidental consumption of Xanthium fruits or seedlings (mistaken as bean sprouts), and poisoning caused by mild poisoning is generally dizziness, headache, fatigue, loss of appetite, dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, facial flushing, Conjunctival hyperemia, urticaria, etc., within 12 hours of ingestion, can induce vomiting, then can be washed with 1:2.000 potassium permanganate, and with high temperature saline to wash the intestines and take laxatives, intravenous infusion to protect the liver and symptomatic treatment. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.0025% Susceptible people: no specific population Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: ascites, coma, shock, respiratory failure


Causes of Xanthium poisoning


The main reason is the ingestion of Xanthium poisoning, Xanthium is a wild plant, the countryside can be seen everywhere, Xanthium is poisonous, and the cocklebur sprouts after spring rain, often growing into clumps, the shape is very similar to the yellow bean sprouts. At this time, the toxicity is the strongest and the toxicity The substance is the toxic protein Xanthium.


Xanthium poisoning prevention

1. Do not eat with pork.

2. It is not advisable to eat dried sweet cakes, and it is not allowed to eat raw leaves or fruits at will.

3. Strictly control the dosage and take it according to the doctor's advice.

4. Strengthen publicity, do not eat Xanthium and buds, especially the promotion of children.

5. Reasonable dietary habits: Maintain a light diet. Eat more fresh vegetables and aquatic products. Such as green vegetables, radishes, kelp, seaweed and so on. Should eat less meals. Fasting fat meat and animal offal, do not eat spicy onions, peppers, coffee, etc. Eat less refined sugar, honey, fruit candy, cakes, etc.


Xanthium poisoning complications Complications ascites coma shock respiratory failure

In severe cases, toxic liver disease occurs, ascites occurs, and some poisoned people scream and scream into coma, convulsions, shock, urinary closure, blood pressure drop, neck toughness, sputum, foaming at the mouth, hands swinging, right If the poisoned person can be treated promptly and effectively, most of them can recover quickly. If a small number of poisonings are serious or the rescue is not timely, they may die due to massive necrosis of liver cells, or liver failure, or respiratory failure.


Common symptoms of Xanthium poisoning Oral spitting foam diarrhea Respiratory failure Convulsions Drowsiness Dizziness Blood pressure Drop Abdominal pain Nausea

The incubation period of poisoning varies with the ingestion, usually 2 to 3 days. The fastest is 4 hours, and the person who eats the ear can eat 4 to 8 hours after eating. The person who eats Xanthium is 10 to 24 hours. Onset, eating seedlings, 1 to 5 days of mild hair poisoning, generally have dizziness, headache, fatigue, loss of appetite, dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, facial flushing, conjunctival congestion, urticaria and so on. At this time, if you stop taking Xanthium immediately, you can sometimes return to health after a few days without treatment. When heavier, it can be seen that the spirit is wilting, irritability or lethargy, liver pain, liver, jaundice, fever, high blood pressure, nasal, gastrointestinal and other extensive bleeding. Urine routine changes or oliguria, eyelid edema. Severe cases of toxic liver disease, ascites, and some poisoned people screamed and stunned into a coma.


Xanthium poisoning check

Xanthium poisoning is a symptom of acute poisoning. It should be immediately given to induce vomiting, diarrhea, enema, and infusion. After the condition is stable, routine examination should be performed.


Diagnosis and differentiation of Xanthium poisoning

When laboratory tests for acute poisoning, routinely remove the remaining poisons or specimens that may be toxic, such as vomit, stomach contents, urine, feces, blood specimens, etc. Perform toxicological analysis or bacterial culture if necessary. Although the toxicant analysis is important, it cannot wait until the test results are reported before starting treatment. For chronic poisoning, checking for the presence of poisons in the environment and in the human body can help to determine the diagnosis.

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