Atrophic pharyngitis


Introduction to atrophic pharyngitis Atrophic pharyngitis (atrophicpharyngitis) is often secondary to atrophic rhinitis, the cause is unknown. The main pathological changes were pharyngeal glands and mucosal atrophy. At the beginning, the secretion of mucous glands is reduced, the secretions are thick, and the submucosal layer is inflammation, which gradually undergoes mechanization and contraction, oppresses mucous glands and blood vessels, hinders gland secretion and nutrient supply, and causes mucosal and submucosal atrophy. Thinning, its condition is long and not easy to cure. Symptoms of atrophic pharyngitis are consciously dry throat, drinking water can not relieve thirst, sometimes cough with odorous dryness, bad breath, easy to nausea, check the pharyngeal cavity is wider than normal, mucous membrane dry, thin, wrinkled or Bright, the posterior pharyngeal wall is covered with purulent dryness. In severe cases, it can affect the function of the eustachian tube, causing tinnitus or hearing loss. When the lesion spreads to the throat, there is a hoarseness. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.001% Susceptible people: no special people Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: tinnitus, hearing impairment, sore throat, malformation, dysphagia


Cause of atrophic pharyngitis

Secondary to atrophic rhinitis, the cause is unknown, the main pathological changes are pharyngeal glands and mucosal atrophy.


Atrophic pharyngitis prevention

1. In the acute phase, antiviral and antibacterial drugs should be used in time to prevent acute pharyngitis from becoming chronic. In the chronic phase, antibacterial drugs are generally not needed.

2. Timely treatment of nasal, oral, lower respiratory tract diseases, including sick teeth.

3. Do not drink hard alcohol and smoke. Avoid spicy, sour and other strong seasonings when eating.

4. Improve the working and living environment, combined with the transformation of equipment, reduce the stimulation of dust and harmful gases to the body.

5. Living and living are common, work and rest, timely treatment of various chronic diseases, to maintain daily laxative, early morning with a light salt water gargle or a small amount of drinking light salt water (hypertension, kidney disease patients do not drink salt water).

6. Proper control of sound, improper use of sound, excessive use of sound, long-term continuous speech and singing is not good for the treatment of pharyngitis.


Atrophic pharyngitis complications Complications, tinnitus, hearing impairment, sore throat, dysphagia

Severe cases can affect the function of the eustachian tube, causing tinnitus or hearing loss. When the lesion spreads to the throat, there is hoarseness.


Atrophic pharyngitis symptoms Common symptoms Cough with odor, dryness, hearing loss, cough, hoarseness, nausea, lymphatic follicle hyperplasia, tinnitus, pharyngeal respiratory muscles...

Consciously dry throat, drinking water can not relieve thirst, sometimes cough with odorous dryness, bad breath, easy to nausea, check the pharyngeal cavity is wider than normal, mucous membrane dry, thin, wrinkled or shiny, posterior pharyngeal wall It is covered with purulent dryness. In severe cases, it can affect the function of the eustachian tube, causing tinnitus or hearing loss. When the lesion spreads to the throat, there is hoarseness.


Examination of atrophic pharyngitis

Check that the pharyngeal cavity is wider than normal, the mucous membrane is dry, thin, wrinkled or shiny, and the posterior pharyngeal wall is covered with purulent dryness.


Diagnosis and differentiation of atrophic pharyngitis

Diagnosis can be based on the cause, symptoms and related tests.

It is differentiated from chronic pharyngitis, viral pharyngitis and the like.

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