barium poisoning


Introduction to cockroach poisoning Most of the poisoning of cockroaches is caused by misuse, and gastric acid can promote the dissolution of certain bismuth compounds. There is a small amount of sediment in each organ, with the most bone content, and a part of the bone can be converted into insoluble sulfate. In the early stage of sputum poisoning, there are gastrointestinal irritation such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain. May also cause paralysis, and there are facial cyanosis, cold limbs, cold sweat, muscle tremors, convulsions, lingual muscles and throat paralysis. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.003%-0.004% Susceptible people: no specific population Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: heart damage


Cause of poisoning

Environmental factors (30%):

Niobium mining can also be contacted during the mining, smelting, manufacturing, and use of antimony compounds. Occupational poisoning is mainly caused by inhalation of the respiratory tract, and some may be swallowed into the stomach; non-occupational poisoning is mainly caused by feeding in the digestive tract. The liquid soluble bismuth compound can be absorbed through the wound skin, such as a high temperature solution to burn the skin, which can be absorbed and poisoned.

Physical and chemical factors (45%):

The poisoning of cockroaches is mostly an accident during the production and use. For example, when the strontium carbonate drying furnace is repaired, the operation rules are violated. The quenching liquid splatters the skin and falls into the strontium sulfide or strontium chloride pool. Most of the life-threatening poisoning is caused by ingestion. For example, the salt is mistaken for baking powder, alkaline noodles, flour, and alum.

Other factors (25%):

The acute poisoning of sputum is mostly caused by misuse. The pathways in which sputum and its compounds invade the body of the body are mainly respiratory organs and digestive tracts, such as the inhalation of strontium salt dust, misuse of steroids and other conditions.


poisoning prevention

1. The production equipment is sealed, a workshop cleaning system is established, and ventilation and dust removal equipment are installed.

2, strict operating rules and regulations, workers must have their own protective measures, such as wearing protective masks, training self-help knowledge, symptoms should quickly leave the scene.

3. Strict equipment maintenance system, flushing equipment should be provided in the workshop to flush in time for burns. Workers must wear protective equipment when repairing equipment failures.

4, it is forbidden to smoke in the workshop, eat, drink, rinse after work, change work clothes.

5, before going to work to do a physical examination, such as nerves, muscles, cardiovascular diseases and other occupational contraindications, may not engage in sputum operations, pregnant women and lactating women should be removed from the sputum operation.

6. The soluble barium salt should be kept in strict condition. There should be obvious toxic warning signs on the container. It is absolutely not allowed to store in the warehouse with flour, edible alkali and other foods to prevent accidental eating.


Sputum poisoning complications Complications heart damage

Workers who have been exposed to sputum compounds for a long time may experience irritation of the upper respiratory tract and conjunctiva, and some workers may have cardiac conduction dysfunction. After long-term inhalation of a large amount of barium sulfate or barite ore fine dust, lung dusting can occur, X-ray chest radiograph shows uniform small and dense shadows of both lungs, but generally no symptoms, when disengaged, some The shadows can be reduced and faded.


Symptoms of sputum poisoning Common symptoms Double diarrhea around the lips, numbness, tingling, respiratory failure, intestinal fistula, abdominal pain, nausea, tremor, constipation, difficulty breathing

Acute poisoning caused by oral soluble strontium salts, began to appear gastrointestinal symptoms, such as dryness and burning sensation in the mouth, throat and esophagus, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, drainage-like bloody stool; later due to intestinal fistula Constipation, accompanied by headache, dizziness, diplopia, tinnitus, numbness around the lips, tingling, etc., due to frequent vomiting and diarrhea, often dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, and even shock, a large amount of strontium ions are absorbed into the blood, Excessive irritation and excitatory effects on the muscle cells of the sick child, resulting in strong and persistent paralysis of the muscles, facial muscle and neck muscle tension, muscle tremor and convulsions, other symptoms still have tachycardia, premature beats, arrhythmia, blood pressure rise High, insanity, decreased blood potassium, etc., severe poisoning can cause ventricular fibrillation, and even sudden cardiac arrest. Some children may have urinary closure due to bladder spasm. Later, progressive muscle paralysis and physical activity disorder may be seen.


poisoning check

Electrocardiogram, serum potassium test, serum potassium with low potassium performance as a limit of moderate poisoning. Such as excrement, vomit, feces, food, utensils, etc. Specifically check the liver and kidney function, the oral poisoning of barium chloride is 0.2 ~ 0.5g, the lethal dose is 0.8 ~ 4.0g. The possible mechanism of hypokalemia caused by sputum poisoning. When sputum poisoning, the Na+2K+2ATPase on the cell membrane continues to move, so the potassium in the extracellular fluid continuously enters the cell, but the channel from which potassium flows out of the cell is It is specifically blocked, and thus hypokalemia occurs.


Diagnosis and identification of sputum poisoning

Identification with scorpion poisoning. Early sputum poisoning is a symptom of the digestive tract. In the later stage, neurological symptoms can be seen, and the lower limbs, especially the foot hyperalgesia, are early manifestations of sputum poisoning peripheral neuropathy, followed by typical multiple peripheral neuropathy.

Differential diagnosis should also pay attention to the exclusion of periodic paralysis, myasthenia gravis, progressive muscular dystrophy, peripheral neuropathy, acute radiculitis (Guillain-Barre).

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