pyrazolone poisoning


Introduction to pyrazolone poisoning Pyrazolone includes amidopyrine, antipyrine, analgin, phenylbutazone, oxyphenbutazone, and the like. Such drug poisoning is often caused by overdose or long-term application of larger doses. A small number of patients may have severe poisoning reactions despite the amount of treatment. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.012% Susceptible people: no special people. Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: nausea and vomiting diarrhea duodenal ulcer aplastic anemia hepatitis pulmonary edema hypertension


The cause of pyrazolone poisoning

Due to overdose or long-term application of larger doses. A small number of patients may have severe poisoning reactions despite the amount of treatment.

Some poisons of hypoxia can cause hypoxia in the body, further hindering the function metabolism of the body organs and causing poisoning. The causes of toxic substances causing hypoxia are:

(1) Toxic ventilator function: such as inhibiting or paralyzing the respiratory center, or causing laryngeal edema due to poison, bronchial spasm, respiratory muscle spasm and pulmonary edema.

(2) Toxic substances cause changes in blood components: such as carboxyhemoglobin, degenerative hemoglobinemia, and hemolysis.

(3) Toxic substances inhibit the body tissues.

(4) Toxic effects of cardiovascular function: such as the effects of poisons on capillaries and myocardium and shock caused by poisons.


Pyrazolone poisoning prevention

Due to overdose or long-term application of larger doses. A small number of patients may have severe poisoning reactions despite the amount of treatment. Diagnosis of drug poisoning The inquiry and clinical examination of medical history are basically the same as general diseases, but the differential diagnosis of drug poisoning is complicated. First of all, it should be distinguished whether the patient's toxic symptoms are caused by the development of the disease, or caused by medication, such as headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting. In the event of a sudden onset of a rash, consideration should be given to drugs or poisons. Doctors should specifically ask about the history of medication, the variety, dose and time of use, and be familiar with the adverse reactions of each drug to understand the history of family drug toxicity.


Pyrazolone poisoning complications Complications nausea and vomiting diarrhea duodenal ulcer aplastic anemia hepatitis pulmonary edema hypertension

1. Gastrointestinal reaction: the most common is nausea, upper abdominal discomfort, vomiting, diarrhea, medication after meals can be alleviated, large dose can cause stomach, duodenal hemorrhage, ulcer, and the drug inhibits PG synthesis, ulcer patients Disabled.

2. Sodium and water retention: Baotaisong can directly promote the reabsorption of sodium chloride and water by renal tubules, cause edema, and cause heart failure and pulmonary edema in patients with cardiac dysfunction. Therefore, salt should be avoided when using this medicine. , patients with cardiac dysfunction are disabled.

3. Allergic reactions: rash, occasional exfoliative dermatitis, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia and aplastic anemia, may be fatal, should be highly vigilant, such as see neutropenia, should immediately stop the drug and use antibacterial drugs to prevent infection.

4. Liver and kidney damage: Even hepatitis and nephritis, liver and kidney dysfunction are prohibited.

5. Goiter and mucinous edema: It is caused by phenylbutazone inhibiting thyroid intake.


Pyrazolone poisoning symptoms common symptoms nausea cyanosis night sweats heart failure coma convulsions collapse shock hematuria edema

Can occur nausea, vomiting, night sweats, rash, granulocytopenia, thrombocytopenia, gastrointestinal bleeding, hematuria, prolonged prothrombin time, liver, kidney damage, cyanosis, convulsions, convulsions, shock, coma, etc. Hemolytic anemia, aplastic anemia, fever, etc., antipyrine is more often caused by methemoglobinemia, small infants can be caused by hypothermia, collapse or severe purpura, Baotaisong also has water, sodium, chlorine retention The effect, leading to edema, elevated blood pressure, and even heart failure and pulmonary edema, had been caused by anaphylactic shock with a therapeutic dose of compound aminopyrine injection.


Examination of pyrazolone poisoning

Granulocyte reduction, thrombocytopenia, gastrointestinal bleeding, hematuria, prolonged prothrombin time, liver and kidney dysfunction. Effects of poisons on the conductive medium Some poisons, especially organophosphorus compounds, can inhibit the alkaline esterase in the body, causing excessive accumulation of acetylcholine in the tissue, causing a series of acetyl-based transmission media to be in an excessively excited state, and finally turning to inhibition. And decline. When carbon tetrachloride is poisoned, it first acts on the central nervous system, causing it to produce sympathetic impulses, causing massive release of catecholamines, adrenaline, norepinephrine, serotonin, etc., which can cause splanchnic vasoconstriction to cause insufficient blood supply and poisoning. Liver (toxic liver disease) and kidney (tubular lesions) damage may occur after several hours.


Diagnosis and identification of pyrazolone poisoning

Antipyrine is more often caused by methemoglobinemia, and small babies can be killed by hypothermia, collapse or severe purpura. Baotasong also has water, sodium, and chlorine retention, leading to edema, elevated blood pressure, and even heart failure and pulmonary edema.

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