constant exotropia


Introduction to constant exotropia With the progress of intermittent exotropia, the exotropia mutation is constant, that is, often in an exotropia state. It can be alternating, that is, alternating exotropia, or a tendency to look at one eye. If the exotropia begins when the vision is not yet mature, it can be monocular and amblyopia. In most patients, exotropia is caused by the loss of compensation for intermittent exotropia, and these patients generally do not have amblyopia. The clinical manifestations of constant exotropia, depending on the cause, may be the loss of compensation for intermittent exotropia, or the exotropia of a poor visual acuity, ie, perceptual exotropia; or the internal medicine of infants and young children, the surgery is done late, no Convergence, and gradually developed into an external oblique. basic knowledge Sickness ratio: 0.0001% Susceptible people: no specific population Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: Amblyopia


Constant etotropia etiology

Can be intermittent exotropia loss of compensation, or a poor external vision, exotropia, that is, perceptual exotropia; or infants and young children, surgery done late, without fusion, and gradually developed into an external oblique, in most patients The exotropia is caused by the loss of compensation due to intermittent exotropia.


Conservative exotropia prevention

In the strabismus patients, the visual axes of the eyes are not parallel, resulting in dysfunction of the two eyes, destruction of the three-dimensional function, and lack of accurate positioning ability and flexibility of the hands, eyes, and brain, so it is impossible to perform fine work.


Conservative strabismus complications Complications amblyopia

There is a tendency to monocular gaze and amblyopia.


Constant exotropia symptoms common symptoms ametropia amblyopia paralysis strabismic amblyopia

The clinical manifestations of constant exotropia, depending on the cause, may be the loss of compensation for intermittent exotropia, or the exotropia of a poor visual acuity, ie, perceptual exotropia; or the internal medicine of infants and young children, the surgery is done late, no Convergence, and gradually developed into an external oblique.


Contrast examination of constant exotropia

A comprehensive examination should be performed to measure the distance and to see the near strabismus. The AV sign and the lateral position are not common. This is very important because there is a short danger, the nature of the eye is checked, the optometry of the eye muscle is optometry, and there is no amblyopia.


Contrast diagnosis of constant exotropia

Differential diagnosis

Constant exotropia and intermittent exotropia may be different stages of the development of exotropia. Constant external exotropia may be the result of the development of intermittent exotropia. Constant external exotropy means that whenever an eye is always In a state of deviation, usually in childhood, some are developed from intermittent exotropia, the disease is early and worse, often because the binocular vision is destroyed, and the formation of stereo blindness, surgery should be corrected as soon as possible, do not delay the timing of surgery, resulting in The irreparable consequence, if it is a constant exotropia developed by intermittent exotropia, is better afterwards, because the binocular monocular has been established before the strabismus is constant, and the intact binocular monocular can be regained after the surgical correction.

The identification of the two is crucial to the timing of the operation.

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