vernal conjunctivitis


Introduction to spring conjunctivitis Spring conjunctivitis is a very seasonal allergic eye disease, often in the spring when the flower blooms, the summer season is aggravated, the eyes are hot, itchy, afraid of the sun. When the weather is cold in the late autumn, the symptoms gradually disappear, and the spring is again in the spring of the next year. The lighter is better after 3-4 years. The severe cases can recur more than ten years. This disease is more common in male children, more in rural areas than in cities, and older than 25 years old. There are very few patients. The main manifestations of conjunctivitis in the spring are conjunctival hyperemia and hypertrophy. In particular, the upper eyelid conjunctiva can have large flat nipples, which make the conjunctival surface look like cobblestone paved road surface; some patients have conjunctival hyperemia at the junction of black eyeball and white eye. There is a gray-yellow gel-like bulge, and after a long time, it turns into a brown pigmentation. The main symptom is itchy eyes. basic knowledge Sickness ratio: 0.1% Susceptible people: more common in children or adolescents Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: keratitis Conjunctival congestion


Cause of spring conjunctivitis


It is generally considered to be an allergic reaction to dust, pollen, sunlight, etc., which may be allergic reaction type I. The mild cases may heal after 3 to 4 years, and the severe cases may recur for more than 10 years.


Spring conjunctivitis prevention

The prevention method of conjunctivitis in spring is to allergic causes, avoid contact with allergic substances or stay away from allergic environments. Wear protective glasses when traveling in the wild, and use anti-allergic drugs in time.

First of all, to improve the living environment, especially the air quality or indoor temperature, so that the impact of allergens is alleviated, and secondly, pay attention to nutrition and exercise, life routine, enhance physical fitness, because the improvement of physical health, can make the body fight allergies The potential for seizures increases and reduces, alleviating allergic attacks.

Avoid fried and spicy food, spicy food such as pepper, onion, raw garlic, pepper and so on.


Spring conjunctivitis complications Complications keratitis conjunctival hyperemia

Some spring conjunctivitis can cause severe corneal complications and even damage vision.


Spring symptoms of conjunctivitis common symptoms tears, itching, conjunctival congestion, conjunctiva, giant nipple, ptosis, keratitis

It is characterized by bilaterality, conscious itch, burning sensation, mild fear of light and tears, and sticky filamentous secretions.

According to the lesion, it can be divided into sacral conjunctival type, limbal type, or a mixed type of both, which are described below.

1, sacral conjunctival type

Beginning for conjunctival hyperemia, followed by a number of hard, flat, well-arranged hypertrophy nipples, there are pale yellow grooves between the nipples, such as pebble paved road surface, the conjunctival surface is light red or gray, the tarsal plate is thick and hard, the conjunctival scraping Tablets can find eosinophils.

2, limbal type (balloon conjunctival type)

A gray-yellow gel-like bulge occurs around the whole or part of the limbus of the limbus and its vicinity. For a long time, the surface is rough and stained, and in severe cases, it can be formed around the limbus.

3. Mixed type: The above type 2 lesions exist at the same time.


Spring conjunctivitis examination

According to the characteristics of this disease, the incidence is seasonal, mostly young, more men than women, long course of disease, self-healing and typical signs, diagnosis is not difficult, but should be differentiated from general allergic conjunctivitis, the latter Caused by chemical or physical causes, drugs, cosmetics and UV irritations, often accompanied by eyelids, blepharospasm, or systemic skin eczema changes, regardless of the season, improved after avoiding pathogen contact, laboratory examination of the patient's conjunctiva Eosinophils were seen on secretion smears or conjunctival scrapers, and IgE was elevated in serum and tears.


Diagnosis and identification of spring conjunctivitis

Identification with bacterial conjunctivitis, viral conjunctivitis, etc.

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