

Introduction to autism Autism is a generalized developmental disorder characterized by severe, widespread social interactions and impairment of communication skills and stereotyped behaviors characterized by interests and activities. To put it simply, it is the barriers to communication, communication barriers, limitations of interests and activities, and mental retardation. The most typical feature of autism is social communication disorder, which is the biggest problem faced by children with autism. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.006% Susceptible people: more common in children Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: childhood mood disorders


Cause of autism

There is sufficient evidence that autistic students have nothing to do with family background and parenting attitudes, nor because of acquired environment. Autism may be formed by physiological factors such as neurological development, biochemical function development, genetic factors or brain. Caused by damage, autism may be caused by physiological factors, such as the development of nerve function, biochemical function development, genetic factors or brain damage, which may lead to autism: the cause of autism may be caused include:


From the study of the family and twins, it is found that about 10% to 20% of the twin brothers and sisters of autistic people may have a slight autism tendency. From the family and twin studies, the autistic person's sputum is found. About 10% to 20% of birth brothers and sisters may have a slight tendency to autism.

Infected by disease

During pregnancy, women may have autism due to German measles or rubella, which may cause damage to the brain development of the fetus. During pregnancy, women may have impaired brain development due to German measles or rubella, resulting in autism. Metabolic diseases can also cause brain cell dysfunction, affecting the function of brain nerve transmission information, thus causing autism. In addition, metabolic diseases can also cause brain cell dysfunction, affecting the function of brain nerve transmission information, thus causing autism, In addition, factors such as impotence abortion during pregnancy cause infantile brain hypoplasia, premature birth, dystocia, neonatal brain injury, and brain damage caused by encephalitis and meningitis in infancy, may increase There are opportunities for autism, as well as stressful abortion during pregnancy, which can cause brain hypoplasia, premature birth, dystocia, neonatal brain injury, and encephalitis, meningitis and other diseases in the brain. Partial injuries can increase your chances of developing autism.


Autism prevention

At present, many people at home and abroad believe that the only effective way to treat autism is training, which is attributed to education problems. The education of the autism is simply conducted by the educators in order to achieve the normal behavioral standards and return. Society, although there are a large number of social education workers, they are often disappointing. The key reason is that they have not really recognized autism. What is even more ridiculous is that: The dog can train, why can't people train?" The theory, under the guidance of this theory, the intensive training of sick children, not only did not achieve the expected results, but has produced many negative effects, there is a Chinese idiom best described In this way, it is "destructive encouragement."

For children with autism, parents or teachers should be alert if they discover that they have the following symptoms:

· He did not respond when he called the child's name.

· The child does not smile.

· Children always like to get along with each other.

· The child is particularly precocious in some respects.

· Children don't like toys.

· Children often walk on tiptoes.

Children are surprisingly interested in certain sounds or objects.

· The child will not speak or have no teeth until 12 months.

· There are no gestures such as pointing or saying goodbye to 12 months.

· If you dont say a word for 16 months.

· The sentence of two words will not be spoken until 24 months.

· The child has learned skills to be retrogressed or lost.

Early detection, early treatment can complement the defects of congenital learning ability of autistic patients, reduce their incompatibility, destructive behavior, and make full use of their potential. If autism can be detected early and corrected early, The improvement in the condition is more helpful.


Autism complications Complications, childhood mood disorder

Other mental illnesses have some of the characteristics of autism, or are slightly different from typical autism, but have a wide range of interpersonal interactions and communication barriers. These diseases and autism are widespread disorders.


Autism Symptoms Common Symptoms Severe Emotional Disorders Indifferent Self-harming Behavior Baby Insecure Psychological Injury

In general, the basic characteristics of children with autism before the age of three are as follows:

Social aspect

1. Not interested in outside things, not too aware of the existence of others.

2, lack of eye contact with people, failure to actively interact with people, share or participate in activities.

3. In terms of group, the imitation is weak, failing to master social skills and lacking cooperation.

4, the imagination is weak, and there are very few symbolic game activities through toys.

5. Anxious or strong reactions to certain sounds, colors, food or light.

6. The response to cold, heat, and pain is weak, so there is a lack of alertness and appropriate response to dangerous behaviors.

7, will continue to turn the body or use unusual methods to explore objects, indulge yourself in some sensory stimulation.

Development aspect

1. About 30% of the intellectual development is normal, 70% of the smart development is slow or the IQ is 70 or less.

2. The development of capabilities in all aspects is uneven, and the development process is different from that of ordinary children.


1. Language development is slow and has obstacles, speech content, speed, and tone are abnormal.

2. There are different levels of difficulty in language understanding and non-verbal communication.

3. The ability to communicate with the gap language.

4, due to communication difficulties, coupled with failure to adapt to changes, it is more susceptible to emotional or environmental factors to stimulate, impulsive or harmful behavior.

Behavioral aspect

1. In daily life, adhere to certain ways and procedures, refuse to change habits and routines, and repeat some actions.

2, narrow interest, will be extremely dedicated to certain objects, or to some parts of the object or objects of certain shapes are particularly interested.

3, will resist a certain taste, color or food that has never been eaten, thus forming a serious partial eclipse behavior.

4, there will be difficult to sleep.

Strengths and interests

1. Some patients may have abnormal memory.

2. There may be exceptional performance in terms of personal interests and skills.


Autism check

Mainly to do CT to rule out mental disorders caused by brain organic and physical diseases. In some patients, imaging shows that the cerebellar volume becomes smaller.


If autism is diagnosed, it is generally necessary to assess the child's severity and to assess the weight of the general use scale to score. Because of the characteristics of autistic children, general intelligence tests often have limited help for children. The following scales are commonly used: ATEC Scale, PEP-R Scale, Social Competency Assessment, Sensory Integration Assessment, etc. Scale.


Diagnosis of autism diagnosis

1. No language: Usually considered to be a problem with hearing or aphasia.

2. Immediate imitation: A change of imitation is seen as an autistic child's intention to express communication, while an inelastic imitation does not have a communication intention.

3. Delaying imitation: After a period of time, repeating certain words, idioms, sentences, whole poems or songs, there will also be communication or non-communication, which is usually related to situation and stress. .

4. Speak without feelings: just telling you, not talking to you, and there is no question of answering and answering the average person.

5. Unable to master the tone, volume: When talking, it is like a puppet, very mechanized, unable to express emotions or feelings through the pitch, rhythm, and sway of the voice, and can not use different volume in different situations.

6. The meaning of the words cannot be changed: such as school and correction, the pronunciation cannot be distinguished.

7. Pronoun reversal: "you", "I", "he" and other pronouns are confused.

8. The concept of affirmation and negation is not clear: No is often used, and Yes or Good is not used even less.

9. The grammatical structure is immature: it uses its own language, and usually only the people who are often in contact with him understand the meaning hidden in their language.

10. Rarely ask: In addition to compulsive behavior, they rarely ask questions to ask questions.

11. Fixity: Regardless of the change in the situation, repeating a sentence.

12. Do not use causal language: as it is, so, therefore, if you wait for a vocabulary.

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