Mood disorders in childhood


Introduction to childhood mood disorders Emotional disorders are mainly caused by psychological factors such as certain mental stimuli, or abnormal performance caused by improper family education, which makes the child feel painful or affects social adaptation. There are many causes of emotional disorders in children, among which genetic factors are a cause, and those who are timid, sensitive or over-dependent in early childhood are prone to emotional disorders. Family factors and poor educational methods, excessive protection of children or excessively strict demands, and rude attitudes may cause emotional disorders in children. If a child is traumatized at an early age, a profound emotional experience is also a common cause of illness. Physical illness or excessive stress fatigue and excessive learning burden have an impact on the onset. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.04%-0.08% Susceptible people: more common in children Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: abdominal pain


Causes of childhood mood disorders

There are many causes of emotional disorders in children, among which genetic factors are a cause, and those who are timid, sensitive or over-dependent in early childhood are prone to emotional disorders. Family factors and poor educational methods, excessive protection of children or excessively strict demands, and rude attitudes may cause emotional disorders in children. If a child is traumatized at an early age, a profound emotional experience is also a common cause of illness. Physical illness or excessive stress fatigue and excessive learning burden have an impact on the onset.

The specific analysis is as follows:

(1) Causes of isolated anxiety disorder

Frequently in children who are overreactive or overly sensitive to stressors. If this reaction has become a habitual tendency, it is called "anxiety quality." This is related to heredity. A persistent stressful environment can cause childhood morbidity. Other sick children are associated with chronic anxiety in their parents or because they are over-reliant on adults.

(2) Childhood terrorism

Normal children may develop fear and fear of special objects or situations during their growth and development. This is a defensive reaction in a dangerous situation and is not a morbid symptom. Fear of objects and situations includes separation from parents, darkness, animals, ascending, lightning, and so on.

School phobias are common in school-age children, and girls are more common than boys. It may be related to fear of school related things, academic failure, boredom of learning, or fear of separation from the mother.

(3) Social sensitivity disorder

Children have fear, anxiety and avoidance behavior in new environments or strangers. Mainly related to the surrounding environment and people. Maybe because I don't want to go to a strange environment, I am afraid to be separated from my mother.

(4) Childhood obsessive disorder

Childhood obsessive-compulsive disorder is a type of obsessive-compulsive disorder. It is a concept, emotion or behavior that is known to be unnecessary but cannot be undone and repeated. In childhood, compulsive behavior is more than obsessive, and the younger the tendency is, the more obvious it is.

(5) Child moles

Family disharmony, improper educational methods, and excessive parental love and protection of children can easily lead to snoring in children. Children with low cultural programs and low family economics or local customs and superstitions are also prone to snoring.

(6) Child depression

This disease occurs mostly in adolescence, the cause is not clear, may be caused by multiple factors, including genetic factors, biochemical metabolic defects and environmental factors.


Childhood mood disorder prevention

Prevent children and adolescents from having mental disorders, have happy moods and healthy behaviors. Parents, teachers and all those who care about children and adolescents must work hard to help them learn and master life skills in their daily lives. It is not just life skills, but also the survival ability of laundry, cooking, and housekeeping, including the most important psychological and social capabilities.


Childhood mood disorder complications Complications, abdominal pain

May be accompanied by palpitations, dizziness, shortness of breath, sleep disorders, nightmares, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, sweating, frequent urination, constipation, fatigue and other symptoms. Children with anxiety disorders often have behavioral, intellectual, and personality changes. For example, children often have withdrawal behavior, excessive obedience, or anger, fear, and even refusal to go to school; some children have lower academic performance and lower IQ; children with high anxiety The formation of one's own personality has certain influences, such as low self-esteem, low self-evaluation, strong dependence, excessive sensitivity, and aggressive behavior against oneself.


Symptoms of childhood mood disorder Common symptoms Autumn manic disorder Urinary frequency tension Forced concept Aggressive behavior Low mood Child gender deviation Abdominal pain Anxiety Children psychomotor development abnormality

The main types of emotional disorders in children are as follows:

1, separation anxiety disorder (separation anxiety disorder): occurs mostly in preschool children, mainly in the presence of excessive anxiety and panic when leaving their loved ones, the loved ones may suffer accidents, or fear that they will never return, I am required to stay at home and do not want to go to school. If I send my child to school, I will complain of headache, abdominal pain, etc., and there are no abnormal signs.

2, phobia disorder of childhood: refers to children's excessive fear of the objective things or situations in daily life, and the continued strong terrorist reaction exceeds the actual level of danger, although comfort Explain, there is still no fear of clearing away, even avoiding, retreating and affecting daily activities. When panic, it can be accompanied by autonomic symptoms such as pale, palpitations, sweating, frequent urination, dilated pupils.

Another type of child mainly shows horror to the school, strongly refuses to go to school, long-term absenteeism, obvious anxiety and fear of going to school, and often complains that he is sick, but can't find out where his disease is, but can learn at home, and no other. The phenomenon of bad behavior, known as school phobia, is common in school-age children, girls are more common than boys, the causes of school phobia, may be due to fear of school-related things, academic failure, Tired of learning, or fear of separation from the mother.

3, social sensitivity disorder (social sensitivity disorder): mostly seen in children aged 5 to 7 years old, mainly in contact with the surrounding environment, repeated excessive sensitivity, nervous fear, timidity, shyness, retreat, and therefore reluctant to go to a strange environment, Fear of being separated from the mother.

4, child obsession (child obsession): more common, repeated performance, stereotyped obsessive or forced action, such as excessive washing hands, repeated checks on their behavior, meaningless counting, sorting order, repeated memories of their just finished Things or consider some meaningless things, the child knows that these thoughts and actions are unnecessary and meaningless, but they cannot restrain themselves.

5, child hysteria (child hysteria): common in children and adolescents, women are more common than men, family disharmony, improper educational methods, parents over-indulgence and protection of children are easy to cause children with snoring, cultural procedures and family economic level Children with low or local superstitious influences are also prone to snoring. The types of clinical seizures are basically the same as adults. One type is physical form disorder, which refers to non-organic exercise, sensory or autonomic symptoms. The other type of separation reaction, manifested as seizure consciousness, emotional outburst, abnormal behavior, etc., normal interictal period, with age, seizure performance is similar to adult hysteria, detailed diagnosis of hysteria History and examination, to understand the nature of the disease, due to a variety of symptoms of snoring, often with false physical symptoms and neurological symptoms, easily misdiagnosed, especially in physical diseases accompanied by certain mental factors are easily misdiagnosed.

6, child depression (child depression): is a child in the period of persistent unhappiness, low mood, sad crying, reduced interest, reduced activity, dullness, less language, insomnia, loss of appetite, etc. as the core symptoms, a few cases can be accompanied by other Bad behavior, this disease occurs mostly in adolescence, the cause is not clear, may be caused by multiple factors, including genetic factors, biochemical metabolic defects and environmental factors, the diagnostic criteria for childhood depression, according to Weinberg proposed to summarize the following four points :

(1) Poor mood and low self-assessment.

(2) 2 or more of the following 8 symptoms: 1 aggression; 2 sleep disorders; 3 reduced contact with other; 4 unwilling to go to school; 5 decline in grades; 6 body complaints; 7 lack of energy; Appetite and/or weight changes.

(3) These symptoms can indicate that the child's behavior changes more than usual.

(4) Symptoms last at least 1 week.


Childhood mood disorder check

The examination generally has no abnormal signs, mainly for neurological examination, excluding the mental symptoms caused by changes in the nervous system, and then carries out relevant psychological assessment tests to further confirm the diagnosis.


Diagnosis and identification of childhood emotional disorders

1. Clinical manifestations of children with emotional disorders

Mainly divided into: separation anxiety disorder, childhood terror disorder, social sensitivity disorder, childhood obsessive-compulsive disorder, childhood snoring, childhood depression, etc., should pay attention to the identification of each type.

2. Pay attention to the identification of the following diseases

(1) Identification with children's affective disorder

Children with affective mental disorders may have aggressive or antagonistic behavior during both manic episodes and depressive episodes. With obvious emotional ups and downs, behavioral abnormalities are only one aspect of clinical manifestations, and all symptoms disappear after the corresponding drug treatment;

(2) Identification with child defects and hyperactivity disorder

Patients may have conflicts or disputes with their peers due to hyperactivity and impulsiveness, non-compliance with school discipline, etc., and may also be rebellious and aggressive due to setbacks. After the central stimulant treatment and other treatments, the condition can be improved;

(3) Identification with childhood schizophrenia

Patients may exhibit illegal, aggressive or antagonistic behaviors, but these behavioral problems are only part of the clinical manifestations. Patients also have other core symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions and other thinking disorders, antipsychotic medications, including behavioral problems. Symptoms will alleviate or even disappear completely;

(4) Identification of mental retardation in children

Because of their low intelligence, patients lack the correct ability to judge their own behaviors. They are easily manipulated by others and their ability to control their behavior is also poor. Some illegal, attacking or confrontational behaviors may occur.

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