hirsutism in women


Introduction to women with hirsutism Women's hirsutism refers to women's partial or complete male-type thick terminal hair growth due to increased androgen and increased hair follicle response to androgen. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.003% Susceptible people: good for women Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: irregular menstruation


Causes of hirsutism in women

(1) Causes of the disease

The causes of hirsutism in women can be divided into four categories:

Polycystic ovary syndrome:

Also known as Stein-leventhal syndrome, it is the most common cause of hirsutism in women. Occurred during puberty, the ovaries produce increased testosterone. Menstruation can be normal, and subsequent menstrual reduction, and finally amenorrhea, may be accompanied by loss of libido, obesity, hairy, infertility, mild voice changes, bilateral ovarian symmetry, 20% of patients with acne, plasma testosterone levels The level of luteinizing hormone (LH) is slightly elevated.

Ovarian Cancer:

The hirsutism develops rapidly and becomes masculine. Ovarian tumors that secrete androgens include ovarian adenomas, male cell tumors, Leydig cell tumors, and follicular granuloma. Luteomas occur in pregnant women and can also cause hairy hair.


Pituitary adenoma, hypothyroidism, stress, hypothalamic disease, drugs (phenothiazine) can promote excessive secretion of prolactin, causing hairy with galactorrhea, amenorrhea.

Cushing syndrome and a variety of adrenal tumors:

May be accompanied by hairy.


Excessive pituitary hormones can increase the androgen secretion of the adrenal glands and ovaries, causing hairy.


Such as glucocorticoids, androgens and anabolic hormones can cause hairy.

Special hair hirsutism:

There is a clear tendency to family morbidity. Hairy begins in adolescence and continues to develop in the next few decades. Laboratory tests failed to detect endocrine abnormalities, but the patient's hair follicles were highly sensitive to normal levels of androgen, resulting in hairy hair.

(two) pathogenesis

Women with partial or complete male-type thick terminal hair growth due to increased androgen and increased response of hair follicles to androgens.


Women's hirsutism prevention

There is no effective preventive measure for this disease. Early detection and early diagnosis are the key to the prevention and treatment of this disease.


Women with hirsutism complications Complications, irregular menstruation

1. Female masculinization: Due to the increase of androgen, muscle synthesis increases, female patients often show abnormal muscle growth, mammary gland dysplasia, chest muscle enlargement, lip circumference can be seen, and the neck can see the knot.

2. Irregular menstruation: due to the increase of androgen, it can directly fight estrogen, resulting in endometrial development, menstrual disorders, and even menopause.

3. Ovarian dysfunction: Due to the loss of the normal female endocrine cycle, patients often show no ovulation, body temperature presents a single-phase change, easily lead to infertility.


Symptoms of hirsutism in women Common symptoms Milky male vaginal vaginal hypertrophy

Women's terminal hair overgrowth, male distribution, more common in androgen-dependent areas, such as the upper lip area, cheeks, sputum, chest, breast, lower abdomen and groin, may be associated with other characteristics of masculinity, such as lateral baldness Hair, male body shape, thick voice, clitoris hypertrophy and no menstruation, may have hemorrhoids, if hairy with masculine, and the disease develops rapidly, should be considered by new organisms, but the new hair caused by hairy only a minority.


Women's hirsutism check

Laboratory tests include testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate determination, dexamethasone inhibition test, prolactin level determination, LH/FSH ratio, and the like.


Diagnosis and diagnosis of hirsutism in women

The differential diagnosis of hirsutism in women is difficult. Careful medical history and detailed physical examination and certain laboratory tests are needed. The medical history is mainly the onset time, the progress rate, the masculinity, the menstrual history, the family/ethnic background, and the physical examination. Observe the distribution of muscles and fat, the size of the clitoris, the thickness of the sound, and the presence or absence of galactorrhea.

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