

Introduction to Fetish Fetish refers to the use of certain non-living objects as stimuli for sexual arousal and sexual gratification, and as a favorite or the only means of repeated use. The objects of fetishes are mostly women's hair, plush fabrics, women's shoes, gloves, underwear, bras, menstrual belts and the like, and most of them are used and dirty things. The cause of this disease has not yet been elucidated. Although there are many hypotheses, it has not been confirmed. Some patients have reported temporal lobe electroencephalogram abnormalities and even reported epilepsy. However, this is only seen in a few cases and cannot explain all cases. It is more clinically relevant. The explanation is that the conditioning theory, the sexual impulse to the opposite sex, has been suppressed in some ways, difficult to express, such as being ashamed of being with women, or irrational fear of sexual intercourse, an occasional opportunity to make certain irrelevant Objects are associated with sexual excitement, forming a conditional reflex, and then repeatedly consolidating to form a fetish. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.005% Susceptible people: no special people Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: Lu Yin, voyeurism, aversion, impotence, premature ejaculation


Fetish cause

The cause of this disease has not yet been elucidated. Although there are many hypotheses, it has not been confirmed. Some patients have reported temporal lobe electroencephalogram abnormalities and even reported epilepsy. However, this is only seen in a few cases and cannot explain all cases. It is more clinically relevant. The explanation is that the conditioning theory, the sexual impulse to the opposite sex, has been suppressed in some ways, difficult to express, such as being ashamed of being with women, or irrational fear of sexual intercourse, an occasional opportunity to make certain irrelevant Objects are associated with sexual excitement, forming a conditional reflex, and then repeatedly consolidating to form a fetish.


Fetish prevention

1. Dealing with the transformation of the Oedipus complex

For the prevention and treatment of sexual preference disorders such as fetishes, it is necessary to start from young children, especially to deal with the transformation of young children's Oedipus complex when they are 3 to 5 years old. For example, the mother should not be too fond of the boy on the one hand, and strengthen the recognition of the father's good quality in front of the child. Otherwise, if the child is over-loved and accused of the child's father, it will hinder the boy's attachment to the mother's identity.

2. Avoid bad sexual stimulation

The mother should not sleep with him in bed after the boy is 3 years old. Don't wear underwear in front of the child. Don't play with the boy's sexual organs. Intimate behaviors of couples, especially sex life, should be avoided.

3. Timely and correct sex education

At different ages, timely and correct sexual education should be carried out according to the psychological characteristics of the children, and they should be guided to correctly understand the differences between the physiological and psychological aspects of the two sexes and eliminate the excessive mystery of the opposite sex. The goodwill of the opposite sex or the admiration or even the early love should not be suppressed and properly guided.

4. Develop a good character for children

It is necessary to attach great importance to the impact of the family environment on the personality of young children. Encourage children to study hard, actively participate in group activities, and cultivate good personality qualities, such as cheerful and generous, brave and confident.

5. Reduce the pressure on your child

In addition to caring for the child's physical health and academics, parents should pay more attention to their mental health, form close parent-child relationships, and learn to help children alleviate stress. For example, don't put too much pressure on your children in school. If you make mistakes in school, don't blame or even fight, but give comfort to protect your children and relieve their stress. After returning home, learn more about the situation and give appropriate Ground treatment.


Fetish complications Complications, yin, phlegm, phlegm, aversion, impotence, premature ejaculation

Some patients are also accompanied by other sexual mental illnesses: flower idiots (sexual madness), dew yin, voyeurism, voyeurism, transvestites, narcissism, sexual aversion, homosexuality, foot fetish, impotence, premature ejaculation, excessive Masturbation and so on.


Fetish symptoms Common symptoms Obsessed with the feet or shoes and socks for female items...

Theft of the opposite sex products:

Fetishes are mostly male. They do not achieve sexual gratification through sexual contact. Instead, they are sexually impulsive and sexually satisfied by contact with articles worn or worn by the opposite sex, or at the same time masturbating to achieve sexual orgasm. Most of these items are items that directly contact the female body surface, such as underwear, underwear, bras, sanitary belts, and the like.

Many fetish patients have a special interest in used items of the opposite sex. Therefore, they are often obtained by stealing these items, but by stealing. According to Gopla research, the object of their own sexual fantasies, and the mother can bring him People with a sense of security often get the most psychological satisfaction.


Fetish check

The disease is usually caused by the appearance of some bad videos and the bad taste caused by the special taste of the opposite sex or the same sex. However, it is also necessary to do some central nervous system examination to avoid the increase of some hormone secretion caused by central abnormalities. Therefore, the patient can perform head CT and MRI examination of the skull to determine the cause, and can also cooperate with six hormone tests.


Fetish diagnosis

The diagnostic criteria for CCMD-2-R related fetishes are:

1 diagnostic criteria for compliance with abnormalities.

2 At least for half a year, recurring use of certain non-living objects to meet strong sexual desires and sexual excitement associations, the object of love is an important source of sexual stimulation or the basic conditions for obtaining sexual satisfaction.

3 has been put into action.

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