cervical erosion


Introduction to cervical erosion Cervical erosion is a common manifestation of chronic cervicitis. Due to chronic inflammation, the original squamous epithelium on the surface of the cervix is detached and covered by columnar epithelial hyperplasia in the cervical canal. The appearance is red granular. Due to the different degree of inflammation of the cervix, the columnar epithelium of the cervix grows slowly, the epithelium is flat, and the appearance is smooth, which is simple erosion; the growth of the columnar epithelium is fast, and the glandular hyperplasia is adenoid erosion. If the gland is dilated, it can be follicular smash, accompanied by interstitial hyperplasia, forming small protrusions, and the columnar epithelium is uneven, forming papillary erosion. Cervical erosion is the most common local feature in the pathogenesis of chronic metritis. Due to the immersion of inflammatory secretions, the squamous epithelium of the cervix is detached and replaced by the columnar epithelium of the cervical canal, which is characterized by cervical erosion and clinically according to the area of cervical erosion. The size of the cervical erosion is divided into IIIIII degree, the main symptoms are: increased vaginal discharge, genital itching, lower abdomen and lumbosacral pain, frequent urination or dysuria, infertility. basic knowledge Sickness ratio: 0.1% Susceptible people: good for adult women Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: Cervical cancer Cervical leukoplakia Cervical polyps


Causes of cervical erosion

Unclean sex life (20%):

Young women's premarital sex is mostly in a hidden state. In addition, young people do not have a stable source of income and cannot create a stable and clean sex environment. Therefore, the probability of illness will increase greatly.

Multiple abortions (30%):

Many gynaecological operations, such as abortion, diagnostic curettage, and cervical dilatation caused by premarital sex, may lead to cervical damage or inflammation, and finally cause cervical erosion.

Excessive cleaning (15%):

At present, there are many women's cleaning products on the market. If you choose improperly, using a large concentration of disinfectant solution to wash the vagina will not only affect the growth of the normal vaginal flora, but also reduce the effect of inhibiting the bacteria, and also cause different degrees of cervical epithelium. The damage eventually smashed.

Premature sexual activity and excessive sexual partners (16%):

Premature sexual life, frequent replacement of sexual partners, and excessive sexual life are the reasons why cervical erosion can not be ignored. Laying hidden dangers for young women.


Cervical erosion prevention

Normal, hygienic sex life will not bring any harm to women, because normal semen has certain sterilization and disinfection effects, and women's vagina also has self-cleaning and self-cleaning effect. If the man cleans the external genitalia carefully before each sexual intercourse. The bacteria will not have the opportunity to invade the vagina. On the contrary, if you don't pay attention to cleanliness when you are sexually active, the bacteria will invade the vagina and you will have the opportunity to increase your wife's genital inflammation.

Note on post-physical treatment of cervical erosion:

Prohibition of sexual life after surgery, basin Yu, pay attention to health, rest, strengthen nutrition, during the period of wound healing (4--8 weeks), ban bath, sexual intercourse and vaginal washing, regular review after treatment, observe the wound healing until the healing Attention should be paid to the presence or absence of cervical stenosis during the review.

The main points should be noted:

1. Pay attention to sexual hygiene, properly control sexual life, resolutely put an end to extramarital sex and avoid menstrual sexual intercourse.

2. Timely and effective use of contraceptive measures to reduce the incidence of induced abortion and induction of labor to reduce the chance of human trauma and bacterial infection.

3, where the menstrual cycle is too short, the menstrual period lasts longer, should be actively treated.

4, to prevent damage to the cervix during childbirth.

5, postpartum findings of cervical laceration should be sutured in time.

6, regular gynecological examination, in order to find cervical inflammation in a timely manner, timely treatment.


Cervical erosion complications Complications Cervical cancer Cervical leukoplakia cervical polyps

There is a certain correlation between cervical erosion and infertility, but there is no absolute inevitability. As long as the correct treatment, if the cervical erosion is cured or improved, pregnancy is very likely.

If there is a narrowing of the cervical canal, it can cause dystocia.


Cervical erosion symptoms Common symptoms Purulent secretions Cervical congestion Cervical erosion Mucosal papillary growth leucorrhea increased Itching Cervical hemorrhage Urinary leucorrhea with blood squamous epithelium

Cervical erosion is the most common local feature in the pathogenesis of chronic metritis. Due to the immersion of inflammatory secretions, the squamous epithelium of the cervix is detached and replaced by the columnar epithelium of the cervical canal, which is characterized by cervical erosion and clinically according to the area of cervical erosion. The size of the cervical erosion is divided into I II III degrees, the main symptoms are:

Increased leucorrhea: increased vaginal discharge is the main symptom of the disease, usually the leucorrhea is milky white or pale yellow purulent secretion is lacking, sometimes bloody or mixed with blood.

Vulvar itching: vulvovaginal vagina due to increased vaginal discharge can be caused by vulvitis or vaginitis caused by vulvovaginal itching pain.

Lower abdomen and lumbosacral pain: When the inflammation is heavier, it can be along the uterine ligament, and the main ligament spreads, resulting in pelvic connective tissue inflammation, which causes pain in the lower abdomen or lumbosacral region, accompanied by a sense of falling.

Frequent urination or difficulty urinating: When inflammation spreads around the bladder triangle or around the bladder, frequent urination or difficulty urinating may occur.

Infertility: thick leucorrhea is not conducive to sperm penetration, so severe cervicitis can cause infertility.


Cervical erosion examination

1, gynecological examination, focus on the size of the cervix, shape, texture, thickness of the cervical canal, whether there is contact bleeding, followed by examination of vulva, vagina, uterus and parametrial tissue (ovary, fallopian tube, pelvic lymph nodes, etc.).

2, cervical smear cytology examination for gynecological routine examination, simple and easy, economical and effective, is the most important primary screening method for auxiliary examination and anti-cancer screening.

3, colposcopy can quickly find invisible lesions, the suspicious site biopsy in colposcopy, can significantly improve the accuracy of biopsy.

4. The iodine test and the naked eye observation method are very simple and inexpensive, and at least 2/3 of the lesions can be detected. At present, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends using the naked eye observation in developing countries as a primary screening method for cervical cancer. After the 5% cervical acetate solution was applied to the cervix, the response of the cervical epithelium to acetic acid was observed, and biopsy was performed in the white lesion area.

5, pathological examination of cervical living tissue is the basis for the diagnosis of cervical cancer.

At present, medical experts have shown that the main cause of cervical cancer is because women are infected with human papillomavirus. Therefore, medical scientists are working on an economical, efficient and inexpensive human papillomavirus test to screen early cervix. Cancer is expected to be used in the clinic soon.


Diagnosis and diagnosis of cervical erosion

According to the clinical manifestations is not difficult to diagnose, but it should be noted that cervical erosion and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia or early cervical cancer is difficult to distinguish from the appearance, should be routine for cervical scraping, cervical suction, if necessary, for colposcopy and living Organize the examination to confirm the diagnosis.

It should be noted that cervical erosion and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia or early cervical cancer is difficult to distinguish from the appearance, it should be routinely used for cervical scraping, cervical suction, if necessary, for colposcopy and biopsy to confirm the diagnosis.

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