radial neck fracture


Introduction to humeral neck fracture The humeral neck fracture is rare, often associated with humeral head fractures, or single, the injury mechanism and diagnosis and treatment requirements are similar. basic knowledge Sickness ratio: 0.05% Susceptible people: no special people Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: ulnar nerve injury olecranon fracture


Causes of humeral neck fracture

The disease is mainly caused by violence. When the angle is raised, the elbow joint is naturally eversion. When the hand falls, the violence is transmitted from the far and near the tibia to the elbow. When reaching the upper end of the humerus, the humeral head and the humerus A small head impact, causing a fracture of the humeral head, the humeral neck or both, if the violence continues, there may be fractures and dislocations of the olecranon or the external humerus.


Prevention of humeral neck fracture

Pay attention to production and life safety, avoid trauma and violence, and ensure personal safety is the key to prevent this disease.


Complications of humeral neck fracture Complications ulnar nerve injury olecranon fracture

In children, due to the weak proximal humerus, violent effects can cause head sac separation or metaphyseal fracture, that is, humeral neck fracture. If the violent effect continues, the elbow joint is further valgus, causing damage to the medial collateral ligament support structure of the elbow joint - medial side Ligament injury or avulsion fracture of the humerus; while the elbow is tightly embedded in the olecranon socket when the elbow is extended, it can cause fracture of the olecranon; the pressure of the tibia to the ulna can cause fracture of the upper ulna. According to the influence of violence, the relationship between the phrenic nerve and the humeral head is extremely close, so it is easy to be crushed or pulled and injured. After the injury, the sacral humerus fracture, the ulnar nerve, the median nerve, Ulnar nerve injury.


Symptoms of humeral neck fracture Common symptoms Joint pain Forearm rotation pain

The clinical manifestations of this disease mainly include the following:

1. Pain: There is obvious pain in the small head of the humerus, tenderness and rotational pain in the forearm.

2, swelling: lighter than the general fracture, and more limited to the head of the humerus.

3, limited rotation activity: In addition to the impact of flexion and extension of the elbow joint, the main manifestation is obvious obstacles in the placement of the forearm.

4, other: should pay attention to the presence or absence of deep nerve branch injury.

Except for the history of injury and clinical symptoms, it is mainly based on the diagnosis and classification of X-ray films, and the impacts are analyzed. It is generally divided into the following four types.

1. Non-displacement type: refers to the crack of the humerus neck and the fracture of the green branch. This type is stable and generally does not need to be reset, and is more common in children.

2, incarcerated type: multi-line radial neck fracture when the distal end is embedded, this type is also relatively stable.

3, wearing a cap type: that is, after the humeral neck fracture, the humeral head fracture block is skewed to one side, just like a person wearing a French hat posture.

4, smash type: refers to the tibia, neck and / or head fractures are more than three pieces of fragmentation.


Examination of the humeral neck fracture

The disease is mainly diagnosed and classified according to X-ray plain film, and is generally divided into the following four types.

1. Non-displacement type: refers to the crack of the humerus neck and the fracture of the green branch. This type is stable and generally does not need to be reset, and is more common in children.

2, incarcerated type: multi-line radial neck fracture when the distal end is embedded, this type is also relatively stable.

3, wearing a cap type: that is, after the humeral neck fracture, the humeral head fracture block is skewed to one side, just like a person wearing a French hat posture.

4, smash type: refers to the tibia, neck and / or head fractures are more than three pieces of fragmentation.


Diagnosis and diagnosis of humeral neck fracture

The disease is mainly characterized by pain, swelling and dysfunction. These are not characteristic clinical manifestations. Therefore, many diseases have the same performance as this disease. The diseases that need to be identified include:

1. The fracture of the humerus shaft.

2, humeral head fracture.

3, wrist dislocation.

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