sebaceous cyst


Introduction to sebaceous cyst Cystofsebaceousglands (cystofsebaceousglands), also known as powder tumors or lipomas, is a sebaceous secretion that stores stagnant diseases. Young people are more common. The main manifestations of blackhead acne and cyst infection in the lesions are occasional canceration. Treatment is based on anti-infection and surgical resection. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.015% Susceptible people: more common in young people Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: sebaceous cysts skin cysts


The cause of sebaceous cyst

(1) Causes of the disease

Mainly for the obstruction by the sebaceous gland drainage tube, the sacral epithelium of the sebaceous gland is expanded by the gradually increasing contents of the cystic cyst, which is a white curd-like sebaceous gland secretion, not a true tumor.

(two) pathogenesis

Histopathological examination showed cystic changes in the sebaceous glands, which were filled with white powdery sebaceous gland secretions and broken sebaceous gland cells and a large amount of cholesterol crystals, which had a foul odor. The outer layer of the wall was fibrous connective tissue and the inner layer was epithelial cells. Composition, when the cyst is ruptured, foreign giant cells can appear around it.


Sebaceous gland cyst prevention

Special attention should be paid to the care of the skin to be hygienic, to take a bath, to diligently change the nails.

Reduce the intake of fried, spicy, nutty foods: This type of food is easy to stimulate the length of acne powder, so to reduce the problem of acne, powdery tumors or acne, you must first change your eating habits, drink plenty of water and eat more Green vegetables and fruits, accelerate the body's metabolism, and promote the ability of cells to detoxify.


Sebaceous gland cyst complications Complications sebaceous cysts skin cysts

Sebaceous gland cysts often occur in the sebaceous glands rich in the head and face, and are easy to be infected, local redness and tenderness, and even pus ulceration, causing the cyst to rupture and temporarily subsided, but will form scars, affecting the beauty and function of local tissues.


Symptoms of sebaceous cysts Common symptoms Cystic acne, whiteheads, acne, blackheads, acne

Sebaceous gland cysts occur in the scalp and face, followed by the trunk. Because of their different shades and different contents, the volume varies from one to another and varies greatly. Small, such as rice size, large as egg size, sebaceous gland The cyst grows very slowly, but the patient still feels that it is gradually increasing.

Sebaceous gland cysts are mostly single, occasionally multiple, round in shape, medium or elastic, higher than the leather surface, generally within 1 mm, the surface is smooth, feels connected to the surface when pushed, but has no adhesion to the substrate, no wave Dynamic, skin color may be normal, may also be light blue, when the skin is too fast, the surface of the skin can be bright, sometimes there is an opening on the surface of the skin, from which the white bean curd-like contents can be squeezed out, this opening leads to the skin The opening of the surface sebaceous gland is caused by insufficient opening of the catheter. The sebaceous gland cyst is often infected, causing the cyst to rupture and temporarily disappear, but it will form scars and is prone to recurrence.

1. Good hair

Occurs in the face, chest, back and scrotum.

2. Clinical symptoms

(1) One or more soft or solid spheres of different sizes, such as small beans, the larger ones can reach 7-8 cm in diameter, the surface often adheres to the skin, and the substrate can be pushed (Fig. 1). An open hole can sometimes be found on the skin, and a little white powder is squeezed out when squeezed. The cyst can exist for many years without any symptoms.

(2) lesions can be single, even or multiple, a large number of patients called multiple sebaceous cysts or sebaceous cysts.


Examination of sebaceous cysts

If the sebaceous cyst is suspected to be cancerous, it can be used for pathological examination.


Diagnosis and differentiation of sebaceous cyst


Diagnosis can be performed based on clinical manifestations.

Differential diagnosis

1. Dermoid cyst: located under the skin, does not adhere to the skin and adheres tightly to the basal tissue, often in the vicinity of the body line, occurs around the eyelids, nose, occipital and fundar.

2. Epidermoid cyst: It is a kind of cyst with keratin in the dermis. It is often caused by trauma (especially stab wound). The epidermis is often implanted into the dermis. The surface of the mass often has horny hyperplasia, which is easy to be affected by hands and ankles. The area of trauma and compression.

3. Lipoma: It is flat and lobulated, located under the skin, and pushes the local skin along the sides of the tumor with fingers. Orange peel-like signs may appear.

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