breast hyperplasia


Introduction to breast hyperplasia Breast hyperplasia is a common breast disease in women. The naming of this disease is very confusing, also known as lobular hyperplasia, mammary gland dysplasia, fibrocystic disease. In the past, it was called chronic cystic mastitis. In fact, there is no inflammatory change in this disease, so it is not suitable for application. The disease is characterized by the proliferation of components of the breast, showing abnormalities in structure, quantity and histomorphology, so it is called cystic hyperplasia or mammary gland dysplasia. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.02%-0.05% Susceptible people: 30-50 years old women Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: breast cancer breast cyst breast tumor


Cause of mammary gland hyperplasia

Mental factors (35%):

Mental stimulation can change the environment of the human body, thereby affecting the function of the endocrine system, leading to abnormal secretion of one or several hormones. Unhealthy mental factors such as excessive mental stress and emotional excitement may cause the mammary gland hyperplasia that should be restored to be incapable of recovery or incomplete recovery. Over time, mammary gland hyperplasia will be formed, and these bad mental stimuli will aggravate existing mammary glands. Hyperplastic symptoms.

Bad living habits (25%):

There are also many human factors and lifestyle factors, people flow, non-fertility or childbearing over 30 years old, no breastfeeding, husband and wife, hormone-containing health care products, etc., wearing a tight bra, too tight bra is easy to oppress lymph and blood Cycling is a hindrance to breast health.

Unreasonable diet (20%):

In addition, the diet structure is not reasonable, such as excessive intake of fat, can affect the endocrine of the ovary, strengthen the stimulation of estrogen on the mammary epithelial cells and lead to breast hyperplasia.


Breast hyperplasia prevention

1. Psychological treatment is very important. The harm of breast hyperplasia to the human body is psychological damage. Due to the lack of correct understanding of the disease, excessive psychological factors are excessively stressful, worrying and sad, causing neurasthenia, which will aggravate endocrine disorders and promote Hyperplasia is aggravated, so all kinds of bad psychological stimulation should be relieved. Those who suffer poor psychological attention should pay more attention to it, be less angry, keep their emotions stable, and lively and cheerful mood is beneficial to early recovery.

2, change diet, prevent obesity, eat less fried foods, animal fats, sweets and excessive tonic foods, eat more vegetables and fruits, eat more coarse grains, black soybeans best, eat more walnuts, black sesame seeds, black fungus, mushroom.

3, life should be regular, work and rest, to maintain a harmonious life, can regulate endocrine disorders, to maintain smooth stool will reduce breast pain.

4, more exercise, prevent obesity and improve immunity.

5. It is forbidden to abuse contraceptives and estrogen-containing beauty products, and not to eat estrogen-fed chickens and beef.

6, to avoid the flow of people, maternal feeding, can prevent problems before they happen.

7. Self-examination and regular review.


Complication of breast hyperplasia Complications breast cancer breast cyst breast tumor

Irregular menstruation: often accompanied by menstrual delay, increased pain, less menstruation, body weakness, backache, cold limbs, less abdomen and apathy, a few days of treatment, a small number of breast cancer.

Liver qi stagnation: This type of breast hyperplasia patients may have adverse menstrual cycle, more menstrual flow, chest tightness, heat, depression, upset and other symptoms.

Carcinogenesis: There is a possibility of canceration. Once a tumor with rapid growth or hardening in a short period of time is found, it is highly suspected that it may be cancerous. If necessary, biopsy or simple resection of the breast, intraoperative frozen section of the cancer, should be treated as breast cancer.


Breast hyperplasia symptoms common symptoms breast lumps breast pain breast pain nipple discharge menstruation

Breast pain and lumps are the main clinical manifestations of this disease.

(1) Breast pain: often pain or tingling, may involve one or both sides of the breast, more common on one side, severe pain can not be touched, and even affect daily life and work, pain is caused by breast lumps The main body can also radiate to the affected side of the armpit, chest or shoulder and back; some are characterized by pain or itching of the nipple, breast pain often occurs or aggravates several days before menstruation, pain is significantly reduced or disappeared after menstruation; pain can also be accompanied by emotion Changes and fluctuations, this pain associated with menstrual cycle and mood changes is the main feature of the clinical manifestations of mammary gland hyperplasia.

(2) Breast lumps: The lumps can be found in unilateral or bilateral breasts, single or multiple, occurring in the upper quadrant of the breast, but also in other quadrants. The shape of the mass is lumpy, nodular, and Shape, granules, etc., which are mostly in the form of lumps, the boundaries of the lumps are not obvious, the texture is medium or slightly tough, the activity is good, there is no adhesion to the surrounding tissues, often tender, the size of the lumps is different, and the small ones are miliary Large, the larger can be more than 3 ~ 4cm, the breast lumps also have the characteristics of changes with the menstrual cycle, the mass before the menstruation increases and hardens, the tumor shrinks and softens after menstruation.

(3) nipple discharge: a small number of patients may have nipple discharge, a spontaneous discharge, grass yellow or brown serous discharge.

(4) menstrual disorders: patients with this disease can also see irregular menstruation before and after, the amount is small or pale, can be associated with dysmenorrhea.

(5) Emotional change: Patients often have poor emotional feelings or upset and irritated, and each time they become angry, they become stressed after stress or fatigue.

Different types and clinical manifestations

(1) Liver qi stagnation: early menstruation or menstrual breast swelling and pain, with the disappearance of the mood, one or both sides can be licked and beaded knots of varying sizes, the mass is mostly mung bean stride knot, or into Thick strips, hard and tough, can be moved according to the deep tissue, the situation is unclear, the menstrual cycle is insufficient, the amount of menstruation is more, chest tightness, heating, depression, upset and irritability.

(2) Chong Ren does not adjust: breast has a lump, pre-menstrual or menstrual pain aggravated, reduced or disappeared after the operation, more menstrual delay, menstrual pain, less menstruation, fatigue, weakness, backache, cold, less abdomen Those who are chills and who have lost their treatment for a long time can develop cancer.

The specimens are often yellow-white, tough, and non-enveloped. Sometimes there are many scattered small capsules in the cut surface. In fact, it is a cystic dilatation catheter. The capsule wall is mostly smooth, with yellow-green or brown viscous liquid inside. There is a yellow-white cheese-like substance that overflows from the mouth of the tube. If it is a diffuse cystic disease, it is called schimmelbusche disease. A single blue cyst with a large tension is called a blue-top cyst.

The relationship between cystic hyperplasia and breast cancer is still unclear. Epidemiological studies suggest that the chance of breast cancer in patients with cystic hyperplasia is 2 to 4 times higher than that in normal people. Does cystic hyperplasia itself malignant and its ductal epithelial hyperplasia? The degree is related to simple cystic hyperplasia with few malignant changes. If accompanied by epithelial dysplasia, especially severe, the malignant transformation may be larger, and it belongs to precancerous lesions.

Patients often have breast pain on one side or both sides. Light ones such as acupuncture can affect the shoulders, upper limbs or chest and back. Generally, the menstrual cramps are relieved or disappeared after menstruation. The breasts are scattered during the examination. Circular nodules, varying in size, tough, sometimes tender, the boundary between the nodules and the surrounding breast tissue is unclear, does not adhere to the skin or chest muscles, sometimes appears as a thickened area with unclear borders, the lesion is located in the breast More outside, can affect the entire breast, a small number of patients may have nipple discharge, often brown, serous or bloody fluid, sometimes very long course, but symptoms often disappear or reduce after menopause.


Mammary gland hyperplasia

The correct breast examination should be flat when the palm is touched, and the four fingers should be close together. Use the most sensitive index finger, the middle finger, and the ring finger of the ring finger to gently tap the outer part of the breast, the outer lower part, the inner lower part, the inner upper area, and finally the breast. In the middle of the nipple and areola area, the breast tissue can not be grasped by fingers during the examination, otherwise the grasped breast tissue will be mistaken for the mass.


Starting from the sitting position, any nipple inversion, skin sag, and structural shape are all clues to deep breast cancer. If the patient clapped his hands on the head to contract the chest muscles, the above signs will appear. When the woman is in the sitting position, it is easy to check the collar bone. , under the axillary lymph nodes, and finally need to sit and palpate, use the fingers close together to touch the area under the nipple.

Take the supine position for palpation in a wider area, the pillow on the same side of the breast, the hand on the same side lifts the head, so that the breast spreads evenly on the chest wall, so that the finger can easily reach the deep breast cancer, apply the index finger, middle finger, ring finger The palm of the hand, rather than the fingertips, is palpated. The way of palpation should be in the form of a circle, which is rotated laterally from the nipple. It is especially important to check the breast that extends to the underarm.

Breast examination should first observe the development of the mammary gland, whether the breasts on both sides are symmetrical, whether the size is similar, whether the nipples on both sides are at the same level, whether the nipples have retracted depressions; whether the nipples, areola are erosive, how the skin color of the breasts is, whether or not there is Edema and orange peel-like changes, whether there is inflammatory and other inflammatory manifestations, whether the superficial veins in the breast area are angry.


Diagnosis and differentiation of breast hyperplasia

If the clinical manifestations of patients with mammary gland hyperplasia are not typical or there is no obvious anterior breast pain, only those with breast lumps, especially single unilateral, hard masses, should be differentiated from breast fibroadenomas and breast cancer:

(1) Mammary gland hyperplasia and breast fibroadenoma: Both breast lumps can be seen, single or multiple, and the texture is tough. The breast lumps of mammary gland hyperplasia are mostly bilateral, and the masses are different in size and nodular , patchy or granular, texture is generally soft, can also be hard and tough, occasionally single-sided single-shot, but more with pre-menstrual breast pain, touch pain, and the size of the breast mass can be Cyclical changes occur with menstruation, the age of onset is more than young and middle-aged; breast adenoma of breast fibroadenoma is mostly single-sided, the mass is mostly round or oval, the boundary is clear, the activity is large, the texture is generally Tough, there are many people, but generally no breast pain, or only mild menstrual breast discomfort, no tenderness, the size of the breast mass does not change due to the menstrual cycle, the patient is more than 30 years old, It is most common in 20 to 25 years old. In addition, on the mammography of the breast, breast fibroadenomas often show a circular or oval density uniform shadow and its unique circular transparent halo, which can also be used as a differential diagnosis. An important basis.

(2) Mammary gland hyperplasia and breast cancer: both breast lumps can be seen, but the breast lumps of mammary gland hyperplasia are generally soft, or moderately hard, and the masses are mostly bilateral, varying in size and can be nodular , lumps or granules, activity, no adhesion to the skin and surrounding tissues, the size of the mass often changes with the menstrual cycle and mood changes, and the growth of the mass is slow, occurs in young and middle-aged women; breast lumps of breast cancer The texture is generally hard, some are as hard as stones, most of the lumps are single-sided, the lumps can be round, oval or irregular, can grow to a large extent, have poor mobility, and easily occur with the skin and surrounding tissues. Adhesions, tumors have nothing to do with the menstrual cycle and mood changes, can quickly increase in a short period of time, occurs in middle-aged and older women.

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