motion sickness


Introduction to motion sickness Motion sickness is a disease that occurs in any form of accelerated motion, such as bumps, swings, or rotations, when a car, ship, or aircraft moves, stimulating the vestibular nerves of the human body. The patient felt abdominal discomfort at the beginning, followed by nausea, pale, cold sweat, and immediately dizziness, depression, increased salivation and vomiting. Due to different transportation tools, they can be called motion sickness, seasickness, airsickness (aviation motion sickness) and cosmic motion sickness. The pathogenesis of motion sickness is not fully understood. It is mainly related to the influence of vestibular function. The capsular sac of the inner eardrum and the balloon of the vestibular device are the upper and lower linear motion, and the three semicircular hair cells feel the rotational motion. When the plaque or hair cells are subjected to a certain amount of abnormal motor stimulation, the nerve impulses are transmitted from the vestibular nerve to the vestibular nucleus and then to the cerebellum and hypothalamus, thus causing a series of clinical manifestations with vertigo as the main symptom. The vestibule is stimulated to affect the reticular structure, causing blood pressure drop and vomiting. The vestibular nucleus causes nystagmus through the medial longitudinal bundle fiber to the ocular muscle nucleus, and the cerebellum and hypothalamus undergo nerve impulse changes. basic knowledge The proportion of sickness: 0.9% Susceptible people: no specific population Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: nausea and vomiting vertigo nystagmus electrolyte disorder


Cause of motion sickness

Vestibular stimulation (75%)

The pathogenesis of motion sickness is not fully understood. It is mainly related to the influence of vestibular function. The capsular sac of the inner eardrum and the balloon of the vestibular device are the upper and lower linear motion, and the three semicircular hair cells feel the rotational motion. When the plaque or hair cells are subjected to a certain amount of abnormal motor stimulation, the nerve impulses are transmitted from the vestibular nerve to the vestibular nucleus and then to the cerebellum and hypothalamus, thus causing a series of clinical manifestations with vertigo as the main symptom. The vestibule is stimulated to affect the reticular structure, causing blood pressure drop and vomiting. The vestibular nucleus causes nystagmus through the medial longitudinal bundle fiber to the ocular muscle nucleus, and the cerebellum and hypothalamus undergo nerve impulse changes.

Visual factor (10%)

According to a large number of clinical statistics, motion sickness may have a certain relationship with vision. For example, when people gaze at fast moving or rotating objects, the disease can also be caused.

Other factors (10%)

For example, high temperature, high humidity, poor ventilation, noise, special smell, emotional stress, lack of sleep, excessive fatigue, hunger or satiety, weak body, inner ear disease, etc. are easy to induce this disease.


Motion sickness prevention

Those who traveled for the first time on a trip, who had had a history of motion sickness, the first time who had crossed the ocean and were nervous, must keep a good mood before departure, because of fear, sadness, anxiety, etc. It is the cause of motion sickness.

At the same time, I have to constantly hint at myself and firmly believe that I will not faint. This is a more effective psychological therapy. In case of hunger or supersaturation fatigue, take oral medication for prevention in advance, and choose one or two of the following medicines: Fei Saile (benzophenidate hydrochloride), and dizzy (tea benzometh). Take 1 tablet half an hour before departure, and add 1 tablet according to the situation after 4-5 hours.

For long-distance travel, take 2-3 times a day, 1 tablet each time. You can also apply some wind-driven oil, wind oil, cool oil, etc. in the temple, or the mouth contains dried tangerine peel, plum, and chew a tea to achieve the effect of dissolving gasoline and inhibiting nausea.

1) After the motion sickness occurs, apply a cold towel to the face and chest to relieve the symptoms.

2) When you are sick and want to vomit, find a place to spit as much as possible. The cleaner you spit, the better you will feel.

3) When looking at the scenery of the window, you should move the line of sight to a distant place. If you take a boat, you should adjust the position.

4) If the ship is shaking from side to side, change to the direction of the boat and then lie down, then close your eyes and take a deep breath; if the ship is undulating before and after the wave, change the lying position to horizontally lying flat, then close your eyes and take a deep breath.

5) If you are riding a car, you can change the seat to the front of the car, which can reduce the movement; change the sitting position to face the forward direction, which can reduce the bad stimulation caused by the rapid movement of the outside scenery, open the window, let the fresh cool breeze Blowing can reduce the degree of chest tightness and nausea.

6) If you are on a plane, you should breathe in the mouth to relieve symptoms.


Motion sickness complications Complications nausea and vomiting vertigo eye tremor electrolyte disorder

Initially feel upper abdominal discomfort, followed by nausea, pale, cold sweat, immediate dizziness, depression, increased salivation and vomiting, blood pressure drop, deep and slow breathing, nystagmus, severe vomiting caused by water loss and electrolyte imbalance .


Symptoms of motion sickness Common symptoms Motion sickness, upper abdominal discomfort, nausea, roundness, cold sweat, fainting, ecstasy, pale, depression, blood pressure, vertigo

The disease often occurs after a few minutes to a few hours of riding, sailing, flying and other operations. Initially feel upper abdominal discomfort, followed by nausea, pale, cold sweat, immediate dizziness, depression, increased salivation and vomiting, blood pressure drop, deep and slow breathing, nystagmus, severe vomiting caused by water loss and electrolyte imbalance Symptoms usually disappear or decrease within tens of minutes and hours after stopping or slowing down. They also gradually recover after a few days, accompanied by apathetic, limb weakness, repeated operation or accelerated exercise, and symptoms can reappear. However, after multiple episodes, the symptoms can be alleviated or even not occurred.


Motion sickness check

1. Hot and cold temperature test: dry the examined teeth and adjacent teeth with cotton balls, spray them on the small cotton balls with ethyl chloride and immediately place them on the adjacent teeth, so that the patient has a feeling of normal pulp reaction, and then wipe Sick teeth, observe whether there is a pain response. The disease is positive in the pain response.

2, swivel chair check: Most patients presented with semi-regulatory function allergy.

3, with a four-column or two-column check: Most patients present allergic to the ear stone, symptoms of motion sickness.


Diagnosis and diagnosis of motion sickness


The disease often occurs after a few minutes to a few hours of riding, sailing, flying, and other operations. Initially felt upper abdominal discomfort, followed by nausea, pale, cold sweat, immediately dizziness, depression, increased salivation and vomiting. There may be blood pressure drop, deep and slow breathing, and nystagmus. Severe vomiting causes loss of water and electrolytes. Symptoms usually disappear or diminish within tens of minutes and hours after stopping or slowing down. It also gradually recovered after a few days, accompanied by apathetic and limb weakness. After repeated or accelerated exercise, the symptoms can reappear. However, after multiple episodes, the symptoms can be alleviated or not even occurred.

Differential diagnosis

1. Inner ear vertigo: Also known as Meniere's disease, it is an inner ear lesion caused by endolymphatic hydrops. Its clinical manifestations are sudden onset of dizziness, which can be felt or disturbed when it is dizzy. Often accompanied by nausea and vomiting, pale, sweating and tinnitus, hearing loss, nystagmus and so on. The disease can belong to the category of Chinese medicine vertigo, acupuncture treatment of vertigo, is recorded in the "Acupuncture and Moxibustion". Older modern reports were seen in the early 1960s. The electric scalp needle and the moxibustion moxibustion method carried out in recent years have obvious effects on controlling acute attacks. At present, the average effective rate of acupuncture treatment of this disease is about 90%.

2, vestibular neuritis: vestibular neuritis (vestibularneuronitis) is a sudden vertigo caused by vestibular neuron involvement. More common in young adults.

3, vertebrobasilar insufficiency: vertebral-basal artery insufficiency, otolaryngology disease, common in middle-aged and elderly, because the cerebellum and brain stem rely on the blood supply of the vertebral-basal artery, when the vertebral-basal artery occurs, the brain Poor blood flow, insufficient blood supply, often vertigo and other symptoms. The disease belongs to the category of "dizziness" and "sputum syndrome" of Chinese medicine. The pathogenesis of the disease is often associated with blood stasis and blood stasis, disturbances on the jaws, and obstruction of the air machine.

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