cysteine ​​test

Brucella is a pathogen of cattle, sheep, pigs and other animals. Humans are very susceptible to Brucella, and the clinical manifestations are intermittent fever, so it is also called wave heat. After the disease, lectin, precipitin, opsonin, complement-binding antibody, and blood antibody appear in the body fluid, so it is often diagnosed by serological methods. Brucella, which harms humans and domestic animals, mainly includes Maltese (sheep) Brucella, aborted (bovine) Brucella and Porcine Brucella, all of which contain different proportions of M (Maltese) and A ( Abortion) two bacterial antigens. It is usually only necessary to use one Brucella to detect any of the three Brucella antibodies. In addition, Brucella still has a surface antigen that can cross-aggregate with the serum of patients with Tular (Hair fever), cholera, and colitis, so the value of agglutination is not as reliable as the Ferda test. The specificity of the complement fixation assay is higher, but the antibody (mainly IgG) appears later and has a long maintenance time, which is of great significance for the diagnosis of chronic brucellosis. Basic Information Specialist classification: Infectious disease inspection and classification: pathogenic microorganism inspection Applicable gender: whether men and women apply fasting: not fasting Analysis results: Below normal: Negative below normal, indicating not infected with Brucella. Normal value: no Above normal: A positive above normal indicates a possible infection with Brucella. negative: Negative means not infected with Brucella. Positive: A positive indication may be infected with Brucella. Tips: Choose a digestible high-protein diet, in addition to three meals a day, according to the nutritional status of the whole body. Normal value 0 to 1:25. Clinical significance > 1:25 is positive, brucellosis. High results may be diseases: positive results of brucellosis may be diseases: brucellosis considerations Because of the simple operation of the serum agglutination test, the antibody (IgM) appears early and has high titer, and is still most commonly used in the serological diagnosis of brucellosis. There are two types of methods for serum agglutination test: tube dilution method and rapid slide method. Most of the current methods use the standardized antigen and tube agglutination test techniques recommended by the National Research Institute (NRC). Slide tests and other rapid tests can only be used for preliminary screening. 1. <1:25:1:25 to 1:50 is suspicious; 2, 1:100 is weakly positive; 3, 1:200 ~ 1:400 is positive; 4, ≥ 1:800 is strongly positive. Inspection process Fluorescein labeling, sectioning is routinely dewaxed to water. For antigen retrieval, after this step, buffer wash for 3min/2 times. To reduce non-specific background staining caused by endogenous peroxidase, the sections were incubated in HydrogenPeroxideBlock for 10-15 minutes. The buffer was washed 5 min/2 times, the UltraVBlock was added dropwise, and incubated for 5 minutes at room temperature to block non-specific background staining. Not suitable for the crowd Those who do not have an indication for examination should not do this check. Adverse reactions and risks Generally no complications and harm.

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