Serum complement C3

C3 is mainly a beta globulin synthesized by macrophages, monocytes, lymphoid tissues, bone marrow, peritoneum, and liver. C3 is further cleaved by the action of C3 lyase and participates in the activation of all complements. The dynamic changes of complement have received increasing attention in clinical practice. The serum total complement and C3 of patients with gastritis caused by antigen-antibody complex decreased significantly. The reduction in serum complement in most patients with systemic lupus erythematosus is associated with worsening conditions. Serum C1, C4, C2, and C3 were decreased in patients with active systemic lupus erythematosus, and serum complement levels returned to normal when the condition was relieved. Basic Information Specialist classification: inspection classification: immune examination Applicable gender: whether men and women apply fasting: fasting Analysis results: Below normal: The serum total complement and C3 of patients with gastritis caused by antigen-antibody complex decreased significantly. The reduction in serum complement in most patients with systemic lupus erythematosus is associated with worsening conditions. Serum C1, C4, C2, and C3 were decreased in patients with active systemic lupus erythematosus, and serum complement levels returned to normal when the condition was relieved. C3 in patients with liver disease is mostly reduced, and the level of C3 in renal transplant patients is unstable. C3 rises at the beginning of rejection and then falls below normal. C3 is lower in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer and recessive lymphocytic leukemia. Normal value: One-way immunodiffusion method: 0.80-1.20g/L Rocket immunoelectrophoresis: 0.9879-1.4559g/L Above normal: In tumors such as liver cancer, infectious diseases, and tissue damage and acute inflammation, C2, C3, and C4 increased, and total complement activity was normal or elevated. But the late stage is reduced. negative: Positive: Tips: Do not eat too greasy, high-protein foods the day before the blood draw, avoid heavy drinking. The alcohol content in the blood directly affects the test results. After 8 pm on the day before the medical examination, fasting should be done to avoid affecting the detection of indicators such as blood glucose in the second sky. Normal value (1) One-way immunodiffusion method 0.80 to 1.20 g/L. (2) Rocket immunoelectrophoresis: 87 normal human serum (56 males and 31 females), X±SD=1.2219±0.234g/L, ranging from 0.9879 to 1.4559g/L. Clinical significance 1. The dynamic changes of complement have received more and more attention in clinical practice. The serum total complement and C3 of patients with gastritis caused by antigen-antibody complex decreased significantly. The reduction in serum complement in most patients with systemic lupus erythematosus is associated with worsening conditions. Serum C1, C4, C2, and C3 were decreased in patients with active systemic lupus erythematosus, and serum complement levels returned to normal when the condition was relieved. C3 in patients with liver disease is mostly reduced, and the level of C3 in renal transplant patients is unstable. C3 rises at the beginning of rejection and then falls below normal. It has also been reported that C3 is decreased in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer and recessive lymphocytic leukemia. 2, infectious diseases and tissue damage and acute inflammation, C2, C3, C4 increased, total complement activity was normal or elevated. But the late stage is reduced. The increase in the amount of complement in patients with cancer, especially in liver cancer, is the most obvious increase in C3 and is of diagnostic significance. Low results may be diseases: fatty dystrophy, systemic lupus erythematosus-induced myelopathy, rheumatic fever, vasculitis, serum disease, rheumatoid arthritis, kidney damage, pediatric serum disease, pregnancy with nephrotic syndrome, pediatric rheumatic fever, Ankylosing spondylitis results in high disease possible disease: kidney damage in rheumatoid arthritis (1) One-way immunodiffusion method: 1 Be careful to avoid air bubbles when pouring agar plates. 2 The pipette used to dilute serum and antiserum must be fixed. Dilute the reference serum and patient serum using a uniformly calibrated pipette, otherwise use the same pipette. Other equipment is also best unified. The agar concentration used in 3 must be strictly controlled, and it should be prevented from drying after dispensing. Do not dissolve repeatedly. Do not boil for too long when dissolved, and evaporate with water. The temperature of 56 °C should be strict, too hot will destroy the serum, too cold and easy to coagulate. Mix quickly and fully. 4 After the serum is added, the position should be kept horizontal to prevent the diffusion ring from deforming. 5 The serum of the subject must be fresh. If the conditions are not allowed, the serum can be stored frozen or diluted and stored. It will have little effect within a few days. After a long time, the C3 value will increase. (2) Rocket immunoelectrophoresis: 1 Before the test, first find the appropriate antiserum concentration, so that the peak height is moderate and the peak shape is clear. The practice is to dilute several concentrations with reference standards to make the experiment, so that the peak height is determined within a certain range (2 to 5 cm). The antiserum concentration was determined in a satisfactory peak shape. On this basis, the reference standard is used to dilute various concentrations as antigens to determine the optimal serum sample dilution, that is, the dilution whose measurement result is basically consistent with the reference standard content is selected as the serum sample. The optimum dilution. 2 When measuring complement protein, serum should be used immediately after separation. The 3 antigen is hydroformylated with glutaraldehyde, which promotes the migration of negative ions in C3 electrophoresis. 4PEG can inhibit the dissociation of immune complexes, promote the further aggregation of immune complexes into larger aggregates and precipitate, which helps to improve the sensitivity of the test. 5 The sensitivity of this method is 5.65 μg/ml, and the CV is 1%. 6 other one-way rocket immunoelectrophoresis. Inspection process Dilute anti-C3 serum and prepare agar plates containing anti-C3 serum: first calculate the amount of the dilution according to the required dilution, half of which is buffer. The anti-C3 serum was diluted with buffer and pre-warmed in a 56 ° C water bath. An equal amount of pre-warmed 15.0 g/L agar was then added to bring the final dilution of the antiserum to the desired level. The agar plates containing anti-C3 serum were routinely cast by a one-way immunodiffusion method, and the cells were perforated (pore size 3 mm) after cooling and solidification, and the pore spacing was 1.5 cm or more. After the plate was prepared with anti-C3 serum at four dilutions of 1:25, 1:50, 1:75, 1:100, the above different concentrations of C3 reference serum were added to the wells with a micro syringe (10 μl per well) After the incubation at 37 ° C for 48 h, the diameter of the precipitation ring was measured. Taking the diameter of the precipitation ring as the ordinate, the logarithm of the corresponding C3 content is the abscissa, and the standard curve is initially drawn. A standard curve drawn with a diameter of the precipitated ring of 4 to 8 mm is preferred. Not suitable for the crowd There is no inappropriate crowd. Adverse reactions and risks 1, after blood draw may appear symptoms of dizziness such as: dizziness, vertigo, fatigue, etc. should immediately lie down, drink a small amount of sugar water, until the symptoms are relieved before physical examination. 2. If there is localized congestion, use a warm towel after 24 hours to promote absorption.

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