Serum C1q

C1q is an important component of C1 and is synthesized from small intestine, colonic epithelial cells, monocytes in blood, peritoneal macrophages, epithelial cells, liver, spleen and the like. Activation can stimulate the classical activation pathway of complement. A molecular weight of 390,000, consisting of six identical subunits that form a symmetric hexamer. When more than two C1q bind to the Fc segment of IgM or IgG in an immune complex, the C1q configuration changes, resulting in C1r and C1s. Successive activation activates the classical activation pathway of complement. Clinically, one-way immunodiffusion method is commonly used to determine C1q. Basic Information Specialist classification: inspection classification: immune examination Applicable gender: whether men and women apply fasting: fasting Analysis results: Below normal: In patients with active mixed connective tissue disease, serum C1q levels were significantly reduced. Normal value: Serum C1q: 0.157-0.237g/L Above normal: Patients with osteomyelitis, rheumatoid arthritis, SLE, vasculitis, scleroderma, gout, and active allergic purpura have a significant increase in serum C1q levels. negative: Positive: Warm reminder: The serum to be tested should be fresh, and should be stored at -20 °C when it is inconvenient to measure on the day. Normal value Serum C1q: 0.197 ± 0.04 g / L. Clinical significance Osteomyelitis, rheumatoid arthritis, SLE, vasculitis, scleroderma, gout, active allergic purpura, serum C1q content increased significantly; active mixed connective tissue disease patients, serum C1q content was significantly reduced. High results may be diseases: scleroderma, osteomyelitis, gout, vasculitis considerations (1) The serum to be tested should be fresh, and should be stored at -20 °C when it is inconvenient to measure on the day. (2) Other precautions are the same as the immunization single diffusion test. Inspection process (1) Anti-C1q serum was diluted to a total amount of 4 ml with 0.1 g/L thiomersal physiological saline at a potency, and pre-warmed in a water bath at 56 ° C, and 20.0 g/L agarose (24.0 g/L) which was thawed and cooled to 56 ° C. Mix agar). A 6 cm × 8 cm plate was poured, and the wells were perforated with 10 μl of the serum to be diffused for 48 hours in a 37 ° C wet room. The rest of the procedure was determined by immunoglobulin single diffusion method. (2) Standard curve preparation The standard curve was prepared by diluting the reference standard serum with known C1q content 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:6, 1:8 (specific operation with immunoglobulin single diffusion method) Determination). Not suitable for the crowd There is no inappropriate crowd. Adverse reactions and risks It is a safe check and is harmless to the body.

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