Phagocytosis of Candida albicans functional test

The non-specific immune response is a defensive function that is gradually established by the organism in the long-term development and evolution of germline, constantly fighting against pathogenic microorganisms and other antigenic foreign bodies. Mainly consists of a barrier system, phagocytic cells and normal body fluids and tissues in the presence of antimicrobial substances. There are many non-specific immunoassays, except for the detection of barrier systems, which are mainly the detection of phagocytic function, complement system and other anti-microbial substances in body fluids and tissues. Basic Information Specialist classification: inspection classification: immune examination Applicable gender: whether men and women apply fasting: fasting Tips: In order to make the results have good comparability and repeatability, white blood cell concentration, bacterial concentration, reaction time and conditions should be standardized. Normal value The phagocytosis rate is 60% to 65%. Clinical significance Defects in phagocytosis and bactericidal function, common in chronic meat edema, actin dysfunction, membrane glycoprotein deficiency, G6PD high defect, Chediak-Higashi syndrome. Defects in phagocytosis and bactericidal activity of Candida albicans are also seen in patients with more severe Candida albicans infections and malignancies. Low results may be diseases: oral leukoplakia, genital candidiasis, chronic skin mucosal candidiasis considerations In order to achieve better comparability and reproducibility of the results, white blood cell concentration, bacterial concentration, reaction time and conditions should be standardized. Inspection process (1) Take 0.5 ml of white blood cell suspension and 0.5 ml of Candida albicans. After thoroughly mixing, the test tube was stoppered and incubated at 37 ° C for 45 min. (2) Centrifuge at 2000r/min for 10min after removal, discard the supernatant (retain a little), mix and drop the tablets, add 1 drop of the methylene blue solution and mix well. Cover the coverslip and check the oil after 5 minutes. Not suitable for the crowd There is no inappropriate crowd. Adverse reactions and risks It is a safe check and is harmless to the body.

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