Estimated due date

The expected date of birth is calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period to calculate the start time of the expected date of birth, the normal pregnancy time is about 265 days. The calculation method is based on the calculation of the last menstrual period, the calculation based on the fetal movement date, the calculation based on the basal body temperature curve, the calculation based on the B-ultrasound examination, the time from the start of pregnancy, and the approximate estimation based on the height of the uterine fundus. The expected date of delivery can remind you of the time frame for the safe birth of the fetus, but do not look at the exact date of the expected date of birth. At 37 weeks of pregnancy, you should be ready to give birth at any time, but don't be too anxious to listen to nature. If you have not seen signs of childbirth after 41 weeks of pregnancy, you should be hospitalized for observation or timely induction of labor. Basic Information Specialist classification: maternity check check classification: blood test Applicable gender: whether women are fasting: not fasting Tips: Try to provide accurate and detailed information to your doctor. Normal value It is normal to give birth within two weeks before and after the expected date of delivery. Clinical significance Abnormal results Pregnancy is irregular or irregular, and the ovulation period is uncertain, resulting in premature or too late. Premature birth is born between 24 and 36 weeks of pregnancy. Overdue production was born after the 42nd week. Need to check the population of pregnant women. Low results may be diseases: premature birth considerations Before the inspection: Take care of the rest before taking the B, and remove the metal ornaments. When checking: Try to provide accurate and detailed information to your doctor. Inspection process Calculated according to the last menstrual period: The month of the last menstrual date is increased by 9 or minus 3, which is the number of months of the expected date of birth; the number of days plus 7 is the date of the expected date of delivery. Example: The last menstrual period was February 1, 1985, date 1+7, and expected date of birth = November 8 (85 years). The last menstrual period of 2+9 in the month is April 15th, 1985, date 15+7, expected date of birth, January 22 (86 years), month 4-3. Calculated according to the date of fetal movement: If you can't remember the last menstrual date, you can calculate it based on the date of fetal movement. General fetal movement begins 18-20 weeks after pregnancy. The calculation method is: the primipara is the fetal movement plus 20 weeks; the maternal is the fetal movement plus 22 weeks. Calculated according to the basal body temperature curve: The last day of the low temperature section of the basal body temperature curve is taken as the ovulation day, and 264-268 days are calculated from the ovulation day, or 38 weeks. Based on the B-ultrasound check: The doctor can estimate the gestational age by measuring the fetal head double-top diameter, head-to-hip length and femur length, and extrapolate the expected delivery period (this method is mostly used as a doctor's B-ultrasound diagnostic application). Estimated time from the onset of morning sickness: The response to morning sickness usually occurs in the 6th week of pregnancy, which is 42 days after the last menstruation, and thus the post-production period is estimated to be 280 days. Based on the estimated height of the uterus: If the last menstrual date is unclear, the expected date of birth can be roughly estimated by the height of the uterus. At the end of April, the height of the uterus is between the navel and the upper edge of the pubis (10 cm on the pubic symphysis); at the end of May, the end of the uterus is 2 points below the umbilicus (16-17 cm on the pubis); at the end of June, the uterus is flat at the end of the uterus. (19-20 cm on the pubic bone); at the end of July, the uterus is on the umbilicus with three horizontal fingers (22-23 cm on the pubis); at the end of the eighth trimester of pregnancy, the sac of the uterus and the middle of the umbilicus (shame 24-25) Centimeter); at the end of September, the end of the uterus is 2 horizontally under the xiphoid (28-30 cm on the pubic bone); at the end of the 10th month of pregnancy, the height of the uterus is restored to the height of eight months, but the abdominal circumference is eight months. Time is big. Not suitable for the crowd Inappropriate crowd: No.

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