Low back pain sensory check

The sensory examination of low back pain is due to neuroanatomy, and patients with lumbar disc herniation are often accompanied by paresthesia of the lower extremities. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the sensory examination and its detailed records during clinical examination, and it is very important to locate the segment of the lesion. The people in need of examination have people with lumbar disc herniation leading to pain in the lower back, sciatic radiation pain, numbness in the lower extremities, feelings of hypothyroidism or pain allergies, muscle atrophy, thin legs, difficulty walking, etc. Basic Information Specialist classification: growth and development check classification: physical examination Applicable gender: whether men and women apply fasting: not fasting Tips: Check your relaxation and actively cooperate with the inspection. Normal value The feeling between the two contacts and the feeling of the body are normal. Clinical significance Abnormal results: 1. Shallow sensation examination When the nerve root is stimulated by causes such as lumbar disc herniation, the patient's superficial sensation may have an allergic reaction. When the sensation declines or disappears, it often indicates that the nerve root is denatured due to compression. 2. The deep sensory examination can move the interphalangeal joint after fixing the patient's toe and check the joint position feeling. After slamming the vibration with a tuning fork, place it on the patient's lower extremity, ask and feel the time of the vibration. Use your fingers to press down on the lower limbs of the patient and ask for changes in the feeling of the affected area. When the spinal cord is damaged, it can lead to sensory and motor separation below the corresponding segment, namely, Brown's syndrome. The peripheral nerve is damaged, such as the nerve root is damaged, and the loss of sensation is not distributed according to the segment, but coincides with the dominant area of ​​the peripheral nerve. The degree of feeling can be divided into 6 levels: Level 0 unconscious; Level 1 deep zone feels there; Level 2 touch and shallow area feel exist; Level 3 can distinguish between sharp and blunt feelings; Level 4 can distinguish the part of the touch; The feeling between the two levels of the two contacts and the feeling of the body are normal. People who need to be examined: people with lumbar disc herniation leading to pain in the lower back, sciatic radiation pain, numbness in the lower extremities, feelings of hypothyroidism or pain allergies, muscle atrophy, thin legs, difficulty walking, etc. Precautions Taboo before inspection: no special contraindications. Requirements for inspection: Check the feelings of relaxation, actively cooperate with the inspection, and respond to the feelings. Inspection process Shallow sensation examination: use the needle tip to gently puncture the patient's skin from the proximal end to the distal end to determine whether the pain sensation changes and the degree of change; respectively, contact the patient's skin with a cold water test tube and a warm water test tube to distinguish the degree of heat and cold. To determine the change in cold and heat sensation; gently swipe the patient's skin with a cotton swab, observe and ask if the patient knows. A deep sensory examination can move the interphalangeal joint after fixing the patient's toes and examine the joint positional sensation. After slamming the vibration with a tuning fork, place it on the patient's lower extremity, ask and feel the time of the vibration. Use your fingers to press down on the lower limbs of the patient and ask for changes in the feeling of the affected area. Not suitable for the crowd Generally no taboos. Adverse reactions and risks Generally not.

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