McCartney test

In the case of slight extrapyramidal damage, the muscle strength is often not obvious, and the patient will try to complete the active exercise, so the slight decrease in muscle strength is not easy to detect. Passively raise the patient's limbs, and then suddenly withdraw the support force after transferring their attention. The limbs with normal innervation will reflect the original posture, and the limbs with decreased muscle strength will fall cold. The McCartney test is one of the ways to check if the lower limbs are sloppy. Basic Information Specialist classification: neurological examination classification: physical examination Applicable gender: whether men and women apply fasting: not fasting Tips: Don't be too nervous during the test and always focus on the calf so that the test can't be done. Normal value After the arm is removed, the patient's lower leg can remain in place for a period of time, or fall slowly at the same rate. Clinical significance Abnormal result 1. After the arm is removed, the calf of one side of the patient falls rapidly, and the other side remains horizontal or slowly falls, indicating that the limb has slight muscle strength and the cone beam is slightly damaged. 2. The rapid drop of both legs at the same time indicates the myopathy of various causes such as myasthenia gravis or periodic paralysis. People in need of examination: suspicious unilateral lower limbs with reduced muscle strength. Precautions Contraindications before the examination: Before the examination, put a cushion under the calf to prevent the doctor from suddenly lifting the forearm holding the calf, the calf falling too fast and bruising. Requirements for inspection: The test does not have to be too tight and always concentrates on the calf so that the test cannot be completed. Inspection process 1. The patient is supine, and the examiner lifts the patient's bilateral calves with the forearm to make it level with the bed surface, bend the hip and bend the knee, and the knee joint is at a 90 degree angle. 2. Try to divert the patient's attention, such as talking, reading, and so on. 3. After the patient's attention shifts, the examiner feels that the patient's lower limbs are relaxed, and suddenly removes the forearm holding the calf and observes the patient's lower leg. Not suitable for the crowd Patients with severe trauma to the lower extremities and joint deformities. Adverse reactions and risks May cause muscle soreness.

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